Coronavirus Update: Sept. 13
September 13, 2020College community,
The College has been notified by the Orange County Department of Health that a SUNY Orange student has tested positive for COVID-19.
The College and County are working to notify those who may have been exposed to the positive student and contact tracing has been initiated by the DOH. Affected students and employees are being advised to quarantine as a precaution, and to contact their primary care provider. The appropriate facilities have already been cleaned, as per our Fall Restart Plan, and campus operations will continue as planned on Monday.
Health privacy laws restrict the College from disclosing information that might be personally identifying and thus we only share this limited information. Nevertheless, rest assured that those who came into direct contact with the impacted party are being notified privately and all others should have confidence they can continue to perform on-campus duties/studies.
It has taken nearly six months for our College community to see its first known positive case of COVID-19. While I’m sure we all expected this day would come, its arrival simply reinforces that we must remain vigilant in our efforts to mitigate the virus’ spread. Continue to self-screen using #CampusClear before coming to campus, wear a mask, socially distance, wash your hands often and take the precautions necessary to keep yourself safe and healthy whether you are on campus or out in your community.
Dr. Kristine Young