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Catalogs @ SUNY Orange

  • COLT
    Search our online catalog, COLT, for books, periodicals, and audio/visual materials located in the SUNY Orange Library.

Bibliographic Databases

  • WorldCat Local* is the online catalog of all material cataloged by OCLC member libraries including books, web sites, computer programs, films, slides, maps, manuscripts, musical scores, periodicals, sound recordings, and videotapes. You can get access to items: on various subjects; in different formats; popular and obscure; different editions; etc. If the SUNY Orange Library does not have access to the item it will be delivered through our Resource Sharing and Interlibrary Loan systems.  Our holdings display first in the results. (More information on interlibrary loan on the MySUNYOrange Library Tab).

Course Reserves

  • Course Reserve  Textbooks can only be used in the library and may not be taken home.
    Reserve textbooks may not be available at both campus libraries and are limited to the copies faculty are able to get to the library. If your text book is not on reserve ask your professor about getting a copy for reserve.

Global Catalogs

  • Worldcat.org  WorldCat is a global service of the OCLC it connects users to library materials around the world.

SUNY Libraries