Dr. Young's Public Schedule: Weeks of Aug. 26 and Sept 2
August 25, 2019
College community,
Below is a sampling of events from my schedule over the next two weeks. As I mentioned at Wednesday’s Assembly, my intent is to share these items somewhat regularly so that you are aware of my various internal and external appearances and meetings.
For those events where the College community is welcome to attend, I will be sure to make a notation. Otherwise, rest assured I will be continuing my efforts internally and externally to build greater awareness of SUNY Orange, position us to take advantage of creative partnerships and opportunities, and champion in all ways possible the great work you do for this wonderful institution.
I’ve asked Mike Albright to share this note via email today with the hopes of inviting you to join me across both campuses, as much as you schedule will allow, tomorrow and over the next week to welcome our students to SUNY Orange. Moving forward, please look for this schedule in the Campus Grapevine.
Best wishes for a fabulous Fall semester.
Weeks of Aug. 26 and Sept. 2
Monday, Aug. 26:
*Greeting Students (MT campus, 8:30 to 11:30 a.m./NB campus 1 to 4 p.m.)
Wednesday, Aug. 28:
Hosting NYS Labor Commissioner Roberta Reardon (NB campus, 1 p.m.)
Shared Governance Executive Committee (MT campus; 3:15 p.m.)
Thursday, Aug. 29:
Appearance on WALL Radio (off campus, 9-10 a.m.)
$Orange County Citizen's Foundation Summer Jubilee (off campus, 5 p.m.)
Friday, Sept. 6:
Hudson Valley Educational Consortium Meeting (NB campus, Noon)
*College community is welcome to attend;
$public invited (registration required, admission fee)
Schedule is subject to change
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