Facebook Ad Pixel FAQ, PTK Honor Society, SUNY Orange


Here are some quick answers to frequently asked questions. If you would like further clarification, please email one of the advisors, whose information you'll see on the bar to the left.

What is Phi Theta Kappa?
Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) is an international honor society for 2-year colleges. Every SUNY and CUNY 2-year college in New York has a chapter. It is not a sorority or fraternity, but an organization to recognize your commitment to acadmics and your achievements.

Is there any extra work required? Do I have to take special classes?
No, there are no special classes and no extra work. In order to remain a member in good standing, you just have to maintain a 3.25 GPA. If your GPA dips below 3.25 for a semester, there is a grace period, so not to worry. 

Are there mandatory community service hours?
No, there are no mandatory community service hours. As a group, we often have community service projects and fundraisers, and while we encourage participation, there is no obligation.

What if I can't attend meetings? Can I still be a member?
Yes, you can still be a member. With over a hundred members in our chapter, it would be impossible to find a meeting time that accomodates everyone. If you cannot make our meeting times, you are free to participate in other events and fundraisers/service opportunities.

What about the scholarships?
All PTK scholarships are hosted through the PTK website. All deadlines and instructions are there. Visit ptk.org for information and deadlines. For SUNY Orange scholarships, you can visit sunyorange.academicworks.com. 

Any other questions can be direct to one of the advisors.