Chemistry Course Descriptions
CHM 100 - Introduction to Chemistry
2 lecture, 2 laboratory, 3 credits (Fall, Spring & Summer)
A survey of the fundamental principles of chemistry and related physical laws. Only elementary mathematics used. Topics include: safety in the laboratory, measurement, atomic structure, the periodic table, chemical equations, solutions, electrolytes, acid-base reactions, pH, the gas laws, main organic functional groups, nuclear chemistry and radioisotopes. (GE 2)
Prerequisite: Tested into MAT 101 or higher, or completed MAT 020
Note: This course is not open to students who have successfully completed CHM 101 (formerly CHM 105), CHM 102 (formerly CHM 106), CHM 201 or CHM 202
CHM 101 - General Chemistry 1
3 lecture, 3 laboratory, 4 credits (Falll/Spring/Summer 1))
A study of the fundamental principles of chemistry. Topics include: stoichiometry, gases, atomic structure, periodic properties, ionic and covalent bonding, molecular structures, liquids and solids. Lewis structures, liquids and solids. Laboratory work is the application of these principles with emphasis on quantitative relationships. The keeping of a laboratory notebook is required. (GE 2)
Prerequisite: MAT 102 or Math Placement test into MAT 121
CHM 102 - General Chemistry 2
3 lecture, 3 laboratory, 4 credits (Fall/Spring/Summer 11)
Topics include: chemical equilibrium, acid-base theories, solubility equilibrium, thermodynamics, thermochemistry, chemical kinetics,nuclear reactions, electrochemistry, and introduction to organic chemistry and some representative biomolecules. Laboratory work includes the above topics, plus qualitative analysis of select cations and chromatography. The keeping of a laboratory notebook and the writing of formal reports is emphasized. (GE 2)
Prerequisite:C or better in CHM 101 (previously CHM 105) or permission of department chair
CHM 103 - Applied Chemistry 1
2 lecture, 3 lab, 3 credits (Fall)
A study of the fundamental concepts of inorganic chemistry & techniques to be used in clinical laboratories. Topics include the nature of matter, the mole concept nomenclature, redox reactions, solutiions, chemical equilibrium, acids and bases and the gas laws. Laboratory work stresses skills and techniques useful to the laboratory technician. This course is closed to students who have completed or are currently enrolled in CHM 105, 106, 201 or 202 (GE 2)
Corequisite: MAT 101 or Math Placement test into MAT 102 or higher
CHM 104 - Applied Chemistry 2
2 lecture, 3 lab, 3 credits (Spring)
Continuation of CHM 103. Topics include acid base chemistry, nuclear chemistry, organic chemistry with an emphasis on nomenclature, smiple chemical reactions, boiling points/solubility in water and organic functional families. Laboratory work emphasizes quantitative techniques. The use of periodicals is required. (GE 2)
Prerequisite: CHM 103 or permission of department chair
CHM 110 - General and Biological Chemistry
3 lecture, 3 credits (Fall)
Fundamental concepts of inorganic, organic, and biological chemistry essential for a thorough understanding of principles and techniques in clinical dental hygiene and nutritional counseling.
Prerequisite: high school Regents Chemistry or CHM 120, or permission of department chair
CHM 201 - Organic Chemistry 1
3 lecture, 3 laboratory, 4 credits (Fall)
An integrated presentation of the chemistry of aliphatic compounds with special emphasis on structure, nomenclature, mechanism and stereo-chemistry. Spectroscopy will be introduced. Laboratory work includes basic characterization techniques, basic synthesis and keeping a laboratory notebook. (GE 2)
Prerequisite: C or better inCHM 106
CHM 202 - Organic Chemistry 2
3 lecture, 3 laboratory, 4 credits (Spring)
Continuation of Organic Chemistry I. Topics include IR spectroscopy, NMR spectroscopy and a continuation with the reactions of aliphatic and aromatic compounds, heterocyclic compounds and biologically active compounds. Laboratory work involves use of modern techniques in the synthesis, separation and purification of organic compounds and keeping a laboratory notebook. (GE 2)
Prerequisite: CHM 201
GLG 101 - Earth Science
2 lecture, 2 lab, 3 credits
A first course for students interested in planet Earth. The four basic areas of study are: geology, oceanography, meteorology and astronomy with particular emphasis on the physical processes of the planet. Discussions incude the composition of the Earth and its structure, terrestrial processes, resources and geologic hazards such as earthquakes. Laboratory work is supplemented by a field trip and self-guided research. (GE 2)
GLG 110 - Physical Geology
3 lecture, 2 lab, 4 credits
A study of geologic processes and features with emphasis on plate tectonics. Topics include origin of magma, plutons,volcanoes, earthquakes, metamorpism, sediments, rivers, groundwater, glaciation and Earth's interior. Laboratory studies emphasize mineral and rock identification and topographic map reading. One field trip is normally taken. (GE 2)
GLG 210 - Historical Geology
3 lecture, 3 lab, 4 credits (Spring)
The principles of geological interpretation are emphasized through a study of earth history. Special attention is given to the geological development of North America. Topics include geologic time, paleontology, structural geology, sea floor spreading and continental drift and mountain building. Labs include studies of invertebrate fossils, geologic structures and paleogeography. Several field trips are taken. (GE 2)
Prerequisite: GLG 101 or GLG 110
GLG 220 - Environmental Geology
3 credits (Fall)
A lecture-seminar approach is used in studying selected environmental problems related to geology, such as geologic hazards, waste disposal, energy resources and their recovery, engineering problems, environmental alterations, and land- use planning.
Prerequisite: GLG 101 or GLG 210 or GLG 101 w/permission of the chair
AST 120 - Astrononmy
The relationship of physical laws to the structure and size of the universe is the means by which the methods of observational astronomy are studied. The role of gravity in the formation of stars, galaxies, and clusters is emphasized. Current study of cosmology is placed in the historical context. Besides observing sessions, the laboratory emphasizes the methods of observational astronomy. (GE 2)
2 lect., 3 lab., 3 cr.
Prerequisite: tested into MAT 101 or completed MAT 020 or permission of instructor
Physics and Engineering
PHY 101 - General Physics 1
3 lect. 3 lab.,4cr. (Fall/Spring/Summer 1)
This course covers the concept of classical physics from introductory mechanics through thermodynamics. Topics include: kinematics, Newton's Laws-particle dynamics, statics, fluid statics and dynamics, heat and thermodynamics.
Prerequisite: MAT 102 or math placement test into MAT 121
PHY 102 - General Physics 2
3 lect., 3 lab., 4 cr.(Fall/Spring/Summer 11)
A continuation of PHY 101. A treatment of wave motion, harmonic motion and sound, electricity and magnetism, optics relativity, quantum theory, atomic and nuclear physics (GE 2)
Prerequisite: C or better in PHY 101
PHY 103 - Physics for Science & Engineering 1
3 lect., 3 lab., 4 cr. (Fall)
The science of measurement; vector analysis; rectilinear motion; Newton's Laws and their application to particle dynamics, conditions for equilibrium; rotational kinematics and dynamics and angular momentum; conservation of energy; linear and angular momentum; introduction to relativistic kinematics. (GE 2)
Prerequisite: Completed or concurrent enrollment in MAT 205 is required.
PHY 104 - Physics for Science & Engineering 2
3 lect., 3 lab., 4cr. (Spring)
A continuation of PHY 103. Topics include: gravitational theory, atomic physics of Bohr atom, fluid statics and hydrodynamics oscillations and simple harmonic motion, traveling waves, vibrating systems and sound, temperature and heat measurement, heat transfer, kinetic theory of gases, first and second law of thermodynamics, introduction to nuclear structure. (GE 2)
Prerequisite: PHY 103, completed or concurrent enrollment in MAT 205 is required. A minimum grade of C- in PHY 103 is required.
PHY 105 - General Physics 1 with Calculus
3 lect., 3 lab., 4cr. (Fall)
A calculus based course in general physics. The course covers the concepts of classical physics from introductory mechanics through thermodynamics. Topics include: kinematics, particle dynamics, statics, fluid statics and dynamics, thermodynamics. (GE 2)
Prerequisite: MAT 205.
PHY 106 - General Physics 2 with Calculus
3 lect., 3 lab., 4cr.(Spring)
A continuation of PHY 105. A calculus-based treatment of wave motion, electricity and magnetism, optics, relativity, quantum theory atomic and nuclear physics. (GE 2)
Prerequisite: C of better in PHY 105. Corequisite: MAT 206.
PHY 108 - Acoustics
2 lect., 2 lab., 3 cr. (Spring)
An introduction to the fundamentals of sound. Topics include: elementary principles of wave motion; analysis of musical sounds from varied sources including voices, instruments, oscillator, synthesizers and recording media. Emphasis is placed on those factors which permit performer and listener to understand and control musical sounds. (GE 2)
Prerequisite: MAT 101 or permission of instructor.
PHY 111 - Architectural Physics
2 lect., 2 lab., 3 cr. (Fall)
An algebra based introductory course for students interested in architecture and building design. Topics include vectors, kinematics, stress and strain, statics, dynamics, energy, heat measurement, fluids, waves, electricity and sound. (GE 2)
Prerequisite: MAT 107 or MAT 121 or higher is required
PHY 203 - Physics for Science & Engineering 3
3 lect., 3 lab., 4cr. (Fall)
Treatment of electro and magneto-statics. Gauss' Law, Faraday's Law, Ampere's Law, resistance; inductance; capacitance. Transient and steady state analysis of RC, RL and RLC circuits. Resonance, electromechanical analogues. Maxwell's equations, electromagnetic waves and light, geometric and physical optics, grating and spectra, polarization. (GE 2)
Prerequisite: completed or concurrent enrollment in MAT 207, minimum grade of C- in PYY 104.
PHY 204 - Modern Physics
3 lect., 3 lab., 4cr. (Spring)
Study of the development of physics since 1900. Study of waves in light and matter. Includes comparison of Galileo's and Einstein's relativity, relativistic kinematics and dynamics; wave-particle duality, black body radiation and Planck's constant; introduction to quantum theory and wave mechanics, introduction to molecular and solid state physics; atomic structure and periodic table; nuclear reactions and energy. Elementary particles and the Standard Model; applications to cosmology. (GE 2)
Prereqisite: PHY 102, PHY 106 or PHY 203
PSC 125 - Physical Science: The Physical World
2 lect., 2 lab., 3 cr.
Topics are drawn from the fields or Physics, Chemistry, Geology, Meteorology and Astronomy with emphasis on how the scientific method guides the various disciplines. Laboratory work enhances and develops the lecture material. (GE 2)
Prerequisite: Tested into MAT 101 or completed Developmental Algebra MAT 020.
PSC 140 - Physical Science: The Environment
2 lect., 2 lab., 3 cr.
A study of the interaction between the physical environment and man. Concepts in natural sciences are introduced as a basis for discussion of current environmental issues. Local environmental issues are emphasized. (GE 2)
Prerequisite: Tested into MAT 101 or completed Developmental Algebra MAT 020.
EGR 101 - Introduction to Engineering Design
2 lect., 2 lab., 3 cr. (Fall)
An introduction to Engineering as a career with emphasis on communication skill. Topics to be presented include engineering graphics, technical report writing, computer graphics, 3D graphics modeling. 2D physical modeling and introduction to spreadsheets.
Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in MAT 121 or MAT 131 or higher.
EGR 102 - Programming for Engineers
2 lect., 2 lab., 3 cr (Spring)
An introduction to engineering calculations involving the use of the digital computer. A structured object-oriented language such as C++ or Java is taught. Problems are drawn from DC-AC- digital circuit theory, numerical methods. A programming language course where problems are also solved using spreadsheets, math processors circuits modeling program, and visualization applications.
Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in MAT 121 or MAT 131 or higher.
EGR 205 - Statics
4 cr. (Fall)
Deals with forces in static equilibrium, including frictional forces. Introduces matrices to solve equations of more than one unknown. Thorough treatment of centroids and second moments. Maximum and minimum second moments; principal axis.
Prerequisite: C or better in PHY 104; Corequisite MAT 207
EGR 206 - Dynamics
4 cr. (Spring)
Kinematics-absolute and relative motion. Force, mass and acceleration. Work and energy, impulse and momentum. Mechanical vibrations. Modern use of vector analysis throughout the course.
Prerequisites: C or better in EGR 205
EGR 212 - Circuit Theory
3 lect., 3 cr.( Spring)
Sinusoidal analysis of circuits using complex algebra and phasor concept. Average and RMS voltage, current and power. Complex power. Fourier analysis. Series and parallel resonance. Polyphase circuits. Complex frequency. Thevenin's and Norton's Theorem. Superposition theorem.
Prerequisite: PHY 203
EGR 214 - Thermodynamics
3 cr. (Summer)
A study of the first and second laws of thermodynamics, open and closed energy systems, properties, and unit systems. Includes application to compressors, pumps, turbines, heat exchanges, and nozzles.
Prerequisite: PHY 104, PHY 105 and MAT 206
EGR 216 - Engineering Computations
2 cr. (Spring)
A survery of the mathematical methods used in electricity and magnetism and mechanics. The goal of the course is to introduce the gradient divergence, curl and Laplacian application of the wave equation.
Prerequisite: MAT 207 and compeleted or concurrent enrollment in MAT 214
EGR 218 - Materials Science
3 cr. (Fall)
A study of the relationship between the structure and properties of metallic, organic, and ceramic compounds. The physical structure of materials and their limitations are related to use in areas of science and engineering.
Prerequisite: CHM 106 and (PHY 104 or PHY 106)
EGR 220 - Solid Mechanics
3 cr. (Spring)
Analysis of stress and strain due to axial, torsional, thermal and flextural loads; elastic deformation and buckling applied to beams, shafts and columns. The course will address statically determinant and indeterminant problems. The concepts of principal stresses, principal strains and Mohr's Circle will be presentd as well as shear and moment diagrams.
Prerequisite: EGR 205 and MAT 207