A.A.S Degree in Office Technologies
A.A.S Office Technologies with emphasis in:
- Legal Office Assistant
- Office Management
- Secretarial/ Word Processing
A.A.S. - Office Technologies
This degree program is designed for those students who plan to enter the workforce as office assistants. Three emphasis areas are provided: Legal Office Assistant, Office Management and Medical Office Management.
Required Office Technologies Courses:
- OFT 108: Introduction to Keyboarding and Office Applications
- OFT 201: Records Management
- BUS 203: Business Communications
- OFT 209: Microsoft© Word and PowerPoint
- OFT 220: Office Internship
- OFT 214: Excel© and Access©
For a complete description of these courses, please refer to the College Catalog.
Emphasis Areas:
Legal Office Assistant- Additional Emphasis Courses:
- OFT 207: Transcription Skills
- BUS 201: Business Law I
- BUS 202: Business Law II
- OFT 110: Legal Documents and Terminology OR
- OFT 109: Advanced Office Applications with Legal Module
- POL 102: U.S. Government- State & Local
Office Management- Additional Emphasis Courses:
- ACC 102: Accounting Principles II
- BUS 101: Business Math
- BUS 201: Business Law I
- MGT 201: Principles of Management
Secretarial/Word Processing- Additional Emphasis Courses:
- BUS 101: Business Math
- OFT 109: Advanced Office Applications
- OFT 207: Transcription Skills
For a complete description of these courses, please refer to the College Catalog.