SUNY Orange Indoor Masking Mandate to Conclude June 3
SUNY Orange shall end its current indoor masking mandate at the close of business on Friday, June 3. Thereafter, and effective for Summer classes as of Monday, June 6, SUNY Orange will be “mask-optional” for on-campus classes, events and activities. We will continue to support an individual’s choice to mask in any space for any reason and strongly endorse an “I Mask, Don’t Ask” College environment.
The College will continue to:
- Encourage indoor mask wearing for individuals who are immunocompromised and not yet fully vaccinated and boosted
- Advise and encourage students and employees to wear a well-fitting mask around others for 10 days from the date of last close contact with someone with COVID-19 (the date of last close contact is considered day 0)
- Allow certain and limited instructional spaces to be designated by Academic Affairs as “mask required” when close contact applied learning activities are scheduled or in progress (examples include dental hygiene clinic, some laboratory instruction, etc.)
- Remind the College community that the practice of notifying Human Resources (for employees) or the Wellness Center (for students) of COVID illness continues
We will maintain our COVID cleaning protocols on both campuses and will continue weekly surveillance testing for those unvaccinated employees and exempted students. Surveillance testing schedules and other COVID-related Summer information can be found here. Mask dispensing stations will remain in place near entrances to campus buildings.
Additionally, as we have done throughout the pandemic, we will communicate with Orange County Department of Health (OCDOH) on a regular basis and follow its directives in the event we need to change any parts of our response as COVID trends change.
Our safety precautions, coupled with widespread compliance from students and employees, allowed us to safely navigate the Spring semester and our many year-end celebrations. I look forward to us completing a safe, healthy and successful Summer as well.
--Dr. Kristine Young
as of 5/26/22
If you feel sick and have symptoms of a virus, you should stay home and contact your doctor or healthcare provider. Do not go to your doctor or urgent care without calling first. They can direct you on the proper way to visit their office or how best to address your symptoms at home if they are mild.
updated 4/29/22