College Governance
The faculty, staff, administration, and Board of Trustees of Orange County Community
College believe that the institution will best achieve its declared mission and goals
when the college community draws upon its knowledge, collective experience, and creative
powers in an on-going cooperative effort to develop college policies and programs.
The College Governance System serves as the instrument through which the college’s responsibility to its students may be mutually shared and fulfilled.
Liz Carris, Shared Governance President
The College Governance System will:
- Recommend policies and procedures and offer advisory opinions to the President of the College concerning academic policies and standards, curriculum, staff development, planning, institutional research, student affairs, and recruitment and retention in accordance with the regulations of the State University of New York and the Board of Trustees of the college.
- Initiate any action that would enhance the professional interests of the members of this organization and the general welfare of the college in accordance with the policies and regulations of the Board of Trustees of the college.
- Provide a forum to ensure the opportunity for the exchange of ideas among members of the organization.
PLEASE NOTE: Information regarding Assembly Dates, Governance Executive Committee and Standing Committee Chairs can now be found on MySUNYOrange under the Employee tab.