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Am I Ready for Online Learning?

  • Online Learning is a challenging learning format. Your success is directly tied to your effort and organization.
  • Online Learning requires a high level of motivation and self-discipline, and you may spend more hours on coursework than you would if you took the same course in a classroom.
  • Plan to spend 10 to 15 hours on assignments each week for each course. Some courses also require you to attend a classroom session a few times during the semester.

How do you know if you are ready to learn online? To determine if online learning is right for you, decide whether you can answer "yes" to the following:

  • I can organize my time well, even when managing multiple demands.
  • I have good reading and writing skills.
  • I use the Internet, e-mail and word processing software regularly.
  • I can spend 10-15 hours a week on each class.
  • I enjoy working independently.

If you answered "yes" to most of these statements, online learning courses may be a good option for you. You need to be self-motivated. The ability to communicate well in writing is essential to success.

Be sure to check out the next item in the menu list:  "Time - or Lack of Time" for more beneficial info.