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Course Description: BIO-113

2 lect., 2 lab, 3 cr.
This course is designed for students of Physical Therapy Assistants, Occupational Therapy Assistants, and other Health Sciences. It will provide the student with a foundation for understanding neurological dysfunction. Integration, rather than segregation, between structure and function are emphasized. This course will enable the student to be conversant in the structure and function of the nervous system, with emphasis on sensorimotor integration and neuromuscular physiology. The organizing theme is the regulation of body function, how the nervous system is influenced during development, learning, and by disease, or trauma. This is illustrated in a multidisciplinary fashion: morphology, physiology, biochemistry and clinical manifestations. Examples of pathological, occupational and environmental causes of neurological disease are highlighted through lectures and student presentations. The different approaches used in diagnosis and understanding physical impairment are stressed as essential components of devising effective therapy.
Prerequisite: BIO-112

Instructional Materials:

  • Photo: Neurobiology textbookText: The Human Brain: An Introduction to Its Functional Anatomy, 5th edition, John Nolte, Mosby, 2002