Opportunity and Grant Programs
Opportunity and Grant Programs at SUNY Orange are available to any incoming or current SUNY Orange student who meets the description and criteria for the program (described below):
The BRIDGES Program at SUNY Orange is a comprehensive three-year suite of noncredit workshops for anyone interested in learning and improving the basic skills of adulthood. Workshops cover areas of common interest to adults, especially young adults, but fall outside traditional matriculated programming. Learn more about BRIDGES.
The CCAMPIS grant allows the college's childcare centers, Morrison Lab School and Newburgh Lab School, to provide student parents (who meet the eligibility requirements) with grant monies to assist with their tuition. Through a simple application process enrolled students can find out if they are eligible to have some if not all of their childcare tuition covered.
The Collegiate Science and Technology Entry Program (CSTEP) provides academic services to underrepresented minorities and economically disadvantaged students studying in selected curricula, STEM fields and those that lead to New York state licensed professions. Learn more about CSTEP at SUNY Orange
The Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) at SUNY Orange is designed for students who need individualized academic support and supplemental financial assistance. It serves students from a variety of circumstances and backgrounds that might otherwise present barriers to academic success. Learn more about the Educational Opportunities Program.
The Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) program is a National Science Foundation program designed to increase the number of historically underrepresented minorities (African-American/Black, Hispanic/Latino, Native American or Alaskan Native or Pacific Islander) who pursue careers in the STEM fields. Learn more about LSAMP.
SUNY Orange has launched Advancing Success in Associate Pathways (ASAP), The program is intended to help students complete an associate's degree in up to three years by removing barriers that prevent academic persistence. Through a wide range of comprehensive support options, including financial resources, personalized advisement, and career development, ASAP propels students to become their most successful selves.
The New York State Pathways in Technology (NYS P-TECH) program is a public-private partnership that prepares New York students for high-skills jobs of the future in technology, manufacturing, healthcare and finance. The SUNY Orange P-TECH program has a partnership with Newburgh Enlarged City School District (NECSD) and IBM.
SUNY Reimagine Workforce Preparation Training Program
The SUNY Reimagine Workforce Preparation Training Program prepares qualified students for gainful employment as a Certified Pharmacy Technician. Participants will receive training to pass the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board exam while also taking College and Career Readiness instruction coupled with a work-based learning opportunity. Additional academic and career support will further strengthen student success. Learn more about becoming a Certified Pharmacy Technician.*
*Under the SUNY Reimagine Workforce Preparation Training Program, fully funded by the United States Department of Education as part of an award totaling $18,067,845.02, with zero percent financed from state and/or non-governmental sources.
SUNY Workforce Development Training Grant / Contract Courses Program
Workforce Development Funding Available to Local Businesses - New York State has several funding programs available through the Workforce Development Initiative. This includes the SUNY Workforce Development Training Grant/Contract Courses program where eligible companies can receive funding to assist with the cost of providing workforce training and assessment services to retrain your current workforce, expand operations, or create new jobs. Learn more about reducing the cost of training your workforce at our Workforce Development website.
The Title V, PROSPERAR: Moving Students from Surviving to Thriving program at SUNY Orange is designed to transform the educational environment. Through the redesign of programs and services, PROSPERAR intends to close equity gaps and deliver significant increases in student achievement, persistence and retention, especially for Hispanic and low-income students. Learn more (coming soon).
TRIO Student Support Services is a federally funded program for students who identify as first-generation, low-income, or students with a documented disability. TRIO is focused on assisting eligible students in achieving their academic, personal, and career goals. The purpose of TRIO is to increase the retention and graduation rates of students as well as help them accomplish a new level of higher education and beyond. Learn more about TRiO.
The Youth Empowerment Program (YEP) prepares Orange County N.Y. out-of-school youth ages 16 - 24 for the workforce and the High School Equivalency (HSE) examination - GED®. Learn more about the Youth Empowerment Program.