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Emergency Procedures

SUNY Orange will remain a safe haven for education. The College provides campus security services and regularly reviews the qualities of those services to ensure students, staff and faculty are protected at all times, and that the College is prepared to handle any situation that may arise.

However, there may be incidents that occur that require a broader response involving a greater number of College personnel and resources. Since most emergencies and/or crises occur suddenly and without warning, the College has developed a flexible plan to address a wide array of potential incidents.

Emergency Phone List: All area code (845)
Safety & Security (Middletown campus) 341-4710
City of Middletown Police Department 343-3151
City of Middletown Fire Department 343-4000
Wellness Center (Middletown campus) 341-4870
Mobile Life Ambulance (Middletown) 343-1212
Safety & Security (Newburgh campus) 341-9533
City of Newburgh Police Department 561-3131
City of Newburgh Fire Department 562-1212
Mobile Life Ambulance (Newburgh) 562-4357
Yellow and Blue Emergency Call Box Locations (see below)

Locations of Yellow and Blue Emergency Call Boxes

Yellow emergency call boxes and blue emergency light towers, which link directly to SUNY Orange Safety and Security, can be found at the following locations on each campus

Middletown campus Exterior Yellow call boxes:

  • Parking Lot 2 (behind Harriman Hall)
  • Inner campus entrance to Bio-Tech (outside of doors near Mastodon)

Middletown campus Blue call towers:

  • Front of Library
  • Parking Lot 7 (rear ramp of Shepard Student Center)
  • Front entrance to Morrison Lab School
  • Rear entrance to Morrison Lab School

Newburgh campus Blue call towers:

  • Kaplan Hall parking garage (wall units: four on Level 1, three on Level 2 and three on Level 3)
  • Kaplan Hall street-side entrances (wall unit at Grand Street, wall unit at First Street, tower at garage entrance)
  • Inner campus (tower by Grand Street lobby, tower by playground and wall unit along steps to lower promenade)
  • Tower Building courtyard (one unit at both the north and south perimeters).

When contacting authorities, provide the following information:

  • Your name
  • Location of the incident (be as specific as possible)
  • Number of shooters (if known)
  • Identification or description of shooter(s)
  • Number of persons who may be involved
  • Your exact location
  • Injuries to anyone, if known

Emergency Procedures

Reporting Emergencies (General and Medical)

Reporting General Emergencies

To report an emergency, call 911 or contact SUNY Orange Safety & Security. In order to assist the operator in processing the call quickly and efficiently, please be prepared to give the following information:

  • What you saw, heard or found
  • The exact location of the incident
  • The phone number you are calling from
  • Details of the situation
  • Your name and address
  • Stay on the line until you are told to hang up


Reporting Medical Emergencies

In the event of a medical emergency, the College s Wellness Center is staffed by a Registered Nurse (RN). The Wellness Center hours of operation are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.

In the event of any accident or medical emergency on campus:

  • Call 911 immediately and/or contact Safety & Security
  • Provide the following information:
    • Immediately notify emergency personnel if the victim is unconscious or not breathing.
    • Describe the type of emergency and assistance needed to the best of your ability.
    • Give your name and extension from which you are calling.
    • Give name of victim if known, and their exact location.
    • Hang up last to insure that emergency personnel have no further questions.
  • Be prepared to handle an emergency with the following advance planning:
    • Know the location of nearest first aid kit in your building.
    • Have someone meet the nurse or ambulance attendants at a specified location.
    • Be ready to give as much detail as possible regarding the situation (time of occurrence, potential injuries and possible causes).
  • Please be aware that an incident report must be filled out by the campus nurse for insurance claims purposes on all accidents involving staff or students

Lockdown & Shelter-in-Place

An emergency situation may prevent the safe evacuation of a SUNY Orange building and require steps to isolate students, staff and employees from danger. Depending on the situation, the College or specific areas of the College may need to be completely secured from the inside.

In such instances, the College will announce either a “Lockdown” or a “Shelter-in-Place.” A Lockdown signifies a more severe event than a Shelter-in-Place. Following are the definitions of each:

  • LOCKDOWN: A lockdown may be instructed during situations such as the presence of a hostile or armed intruder on campus where a building or buildings needs to have exterior doors/entrances locked, to prevent an unauthorized person or persons from entering the building.
  • SHELTER IN PLACE: A shelter in place is the use of a structure to temporarily separate you from a hazardous outdoor atmosphere. This can be because of a hazardous material incident, weather-related incident or a local emergency (nearby police activity).

When necessary, personnel from Safety & Security will lock any open doors manually or by computer system. Communication via College portable radios is permissible as long as the incident does not involve an explosive device or a suspect in possession of a radio or scanner. 

When the College requires either a Lockdown or a Shelter-in-Place procedure, the following announcements will be made using all available campus communication resources, including the SUNY Orange e-mail system, web site alerts, text messaging, interior building monitors, loudspeakers, telephone messaging and social media.


“SUNY Orange is Entering a Lockdown. If indoors, secure students and/or staff in your classroom or office. Move away from windows. If outdoors, move away from danger and seek shelter or depart campus immediately.”


“SUNY Orange is Entering a Shelter-in-Place. If indoors, secure/lock doors to your classroom or office. If outdoors, seek shelter or depart campus immediately.”

During a Lockdown or Shelter-in-Place situation, special attention will also be given to the areas of the College where numerous students are gathered in an unsecured environment, such as the Shepard Center Student Lounge, the Richards Theatre, the Library, and Sarah Wells Café on the Middletown campus and the Great Room, Hudson View Café, and Lahey Library on the Newburgh campus. Arrangements will be made so those students in these areas can be moved to nearby secure locations, if necessary.


Response to a “Lockdown” Announcement

When an employee/instructor hears the “Shelter-in-Place” announcement, he/she/they should follow these directions:

  • Entry or exit to buildings will be prohibited and exterior doors will be locked automatically
  • Secure the classroom/office door immediately, utilizing door locks, desks, chairs, etc. Clear all hallways.
  • Advise students/employees that there is some type of emergency ongoing.
  • Project a calm attitude to maintain student behavior.
  • Relocate out of site and keep all students/employees away from doors and windows.
  • Turn out lights and silence/mute cell phones
  • Use caution and discretion in allowing entry into the classroom/office. Request College ID for safety measures.
  • Take attendance and prepare a list of missing students/employees and extra students/employees in the room. Prepare to take this list with you when you are directed to leave the classroom/office.
  • When or if people are asked to move from the room, assist them in moving as quietly and quickly as possible to assigned areas.
  • If there is a cell phone, you may call the following numbers (faculty and staff may also refer to the EMP flip cards posted within each classroom or office area):

Safety and Security
Middletown (845) 341-4710 | Newburgh (845) 341-9533

  • Remain in the room until the “all clear” is given by law enforcement or a SUNY Orange Safety & Security officer. An all clear message will also be sent via the emergency communications systems used by the College.
  • If outside when the Lockdown is announced, move away from any danger you may see, seek safe shelter and/or depart campus immediately.
  • Be prepared to initiate the “Run. Hide. Fight” protocol, whether inside or outside, if needed
  • Fire alarm activation is not used normally to signal evacuation of a building during a Lockdown procedure. You should not evacuate unless directed by Safety & Security personnel or officials from local police or fire departments.


Response to a “Shelter-in-Place” Announcement

When an employee/instructor hears the “Shelter-in-Place” announcement, he/she/they should follow these directions:

  • Entry or exit to buildings will be prohibited and exterior doors will be locked automatically
  • Secure the classroom/office door immediately and remain in that space. Clear hallways.
  • Advise students/employees that there is some type of emergency ongoing.
  • Project a calm attitude to maintain student behavior.
  • Use caution and discretion in allowing entry into the classroom/office. Request College ID for safety measures.
  • Take attendance and prepare a list of missing students/employees and extra students/employees in the room. Prepare to take this list with you when you are directed to leave the classroom/office.
  • When or if people are asked to move from the room, assist them in moving as quietly and quickly as possible to assigned areas.
  • If there is a cell phone, you may call the following numbers (faculty and staff may also refer to the EMP flip cards posted within each classroom or office area):

Safety and Security
Middletown (845) 341-4710 | Newburgh (845) 341-9533

  • Remain in the room until the “all clear” is given by law enforcement or a SUNY Orange Safety & Security officer. An all clear message will also be sent via the emergency communications systems used by the College.
  • If outside when the Shelter-in-Place use a structure to separate you from the hazard, move away from any danger you may see, seek safe shelter and/or depart campus immediately.
  • Fire alarm activation is not used normally to signal evacuation of a building during a Lockdown procedure. You should not evacuate unless directed by Safety & Security personnel or officials from local police or fire departments.

Active Shooter

In the event that you witness someone brandishing a weapon or hear shots fired in your vicinity on campus, prepare to:

  • If possible, safely exit the building and move away from the immediate path of danger
  • Notify anyone you may encounter to exit the building immediately
  • Evacuate to a safe area away from the danger and take protective cover

If you are directly involved in an incident, or exiting the building is not possible, the following action is recommended:

  • Go to the nearest room or office
  • Close and lock the door
  • Turn off the lights
  • Seek protective cover
  • Keep quiet and act as if no one is in the room
  • Do not answer the door

Wait for local police or security to assist you out of the building. Local police departments are trained and equipped to respond to an emergency incident of this nature.

Individuals not immediately impacted by the situation are to take protective cover, staying away from windows and doors until notified otherwise.

Evacuations (Campus, Buildings, Individuals with Disabilities)

Building Evacuations

All building evacuations will occur when a building alarm (fire alarm) sounds and/or upon notification by SUNY Orange Safety & Security personnel, local police or local fire officers. When the building evacuation alarm is activated during an emergency, leave by the nearest marked exit and alert others to do the same. Safety & Security personnel have studied and mapped out specific evacuation routes based upon many variables that may arise during an emergency. Safety & Security personnel will direct you along the safest evacuation route.

Once outside, proceed to a clear area that is at least 500 feet away from the affected building. Keep streets, fire lanes, hydrants, areas and walkways clear for emergency vehicles and personnel. DO NOT return to an evacuated building unless told to do so by the SUNY Orange Safety & Security personnel.


Campus Evacuations

Evacuation of all or part of the campus grounds will be announced by the Safety & Security Office. All persons (students and staff) are to evacuate the area of campus in question immediately and relocate to an off-campus location or another part of the campus grounds as directed.

Procedure for Emergency Evacuation of Individuals with Disabilities

The following procedures are intended to assist disabled persons with an emergency evacuation from any building on the campus of SUNY Orange. College policies and procedures require all persons in a facility to evacuate that facility any time the fire alarm system is activated or in the case of any emergency that requires building evacuation. Persons with disabilities may not be able to evacuate unassisted. Therefore, they should inform another person that assistance may be necessary during an evacuation.

General Guidelines

  • Remember that individuals with similar disabilities are unique. Listen to the individual; he/she is the expert regarding his/her own disability.
  • Always ask the individual if there are any special considerations or items that need to come with him/her during the evacuation.
  • There are "hidden" disabilities that may need assistance, including health, psychiatric disabilities (anxiety disorders, depression, personality disorders, etc.), and some vision or hearing impairments.
  • Some individuals may utilize service animals such as guide dogs, hearing dogs or assistance animals. When possible, keep the team together.
  • Persons with disabilities that limit mobility may be defined as anyone who uses assistive devices such as canes, crutches, or wheelchairs or who has slower mobility due to illness or injury. Also, persons with limited vision and hearing may need assistance to evacuate. All of these individuals are encouraged to utilize a "Buddy" when evacuation is necessary.
  • During the first week of class, persons with limited mobility are encouraged to make acquaintances with fellow students, class members, faculty, or staff, and to inform them of any special assistance that may be required in the event of a fire alarm.
  • If conditions allow, the "Buddy" may choose to assist the person with the disability during the evacuation of the building.


Elevators will stop in the event of a power outage and persons will become trapped inside.

Evacuation Options

The following evacuation options will help to assure the prompt evacuation of any person with a disability.

  • Horizontal Evacuation: Move away from the area of imminent danger to a safe distance such as another wing, adjoining building, opposite end of the corridor, or outside if on ground level.
  • Vertical (Stairway) Evacuation: Stairways can be used by those who are able to evacuate with or without assistance. Enclosed stairways are a safe refuge due to fire and smoke doors that enclose the area. Persons with sight disability may require the assistance of a sighted person. Persons who must use crutches or other devices as walking aids will need to use their own discretion, especially when several flights of stairs are concerned.
  • Shelter-in-Place: Unless danger is imminent, remain in a room with an exterior window and a telephone, closing the door. Contact Safety & Security. Give your name, location and the reason you are calling. Phone lines normally remain in service during most building emergencies. If the phone lines do fail, you can signal from the window by waving a cloth, towel, sheet, or other object to attract attention.

Disability Guidelines

Prior planning and practicing of emergency evacuation routes are important in assuring a safe evacuation.

Mobility Impaired (Wheelchair): Persons using wheelchairs should stay in place or utilize some type of horizontal evacuation with their "Buddy" when the alarm sounds. The evacuation "Buddy" should immediately proceed to the evacuation assembly point outside the building and inform emergency personnel about the location of the person with disability. If the person with disability is alone, he/she should contact Safety & Security personnel to inform them of his/her location.

Mobility Impaired (Non-Wheelchair): Persons with mobility impairments who are able to walk independently may be able to negotiate stairs in an emergency with minor assistance. If danger is imminent, the individual should wait until the heavy traffic has cleared before attempting the stairs. If there is no immediate danger (detectable smoke, fire or unusual odor), the person with disability may choose to stay in the building, using the other options, until emergency personnel arrive.

Hearing Impaired: All SUNY Orange fire alarms are equipped with flashing strobe lights to notify hearing impaired people of an emergency. However, persons with hearing impairments may not notice or hear emergency alarms and will need to be alerted of emergency situations. A "Buddy" should offer assistance to the individual in evacuating a building, including providing necessary information that will be of help to the hearing impaired person.

Visually Impaired: Most people with a visual impairment will be familiar with their immediate surroundings and frequently traveled routes. Since emergency evacuation routes could be different from the commonly traveled route, persons who are visually impaired may need assistance in evacuating a building. A "Buddy" should offer assistance to the individual with visual impairment and guide him/her through the evacuation route.

 Sexual Assault

If you are the victim of a sexual assault, witness a sexual assault or encounter a potential victim, contact Safety & Security immediately. If immediate medical attention is needed, call 911 or contact the Wellness Center at 341-4870.

Disorderly Behavior and Physical Threats

Disorderly Behavior

In the event that a person becomes disorderly on campus, contact Safety & Security immediately. Maintain a safe distance until help arrives. If a disorderly student refuses to leave the classroom upon request of the instructor, Safety & Security personnel will notify the local Police Department and proper legal procedures will be used.


Verbal/Physical Threats

Employees who receive verbal threats or feel threatened physically will immediately notify Safety & Security Personnel. If necessary, contact will be made to local police or fire agencies.

Safety and Security: Middletown: (845) 341-4710 Newburgh: (845) 341-9533

If the threatened complainant feels imminent danger, the Director of Safety & Security will assign a security officer to the complainant.

Explosive Devices/Threats

Explosive device threats against SUNY Orange may be received by phone, mail or in person. Any staff member receiving a threat of this nature should make every effort to follow the outlined procedures:

  • Most threats are directed to personnel over the telephone. (98% are usually unfounded). These calls are usually very brief. Every effort should be made to remain calm and collected in order to obtain all possible data from the caller (refer immediately, if possible, to the Explosive Device Report Form A to assist you in obtaining the pertinent details).
  • If call is received on a digital phone, make note of the phone number illustrated on phone.
  • Upon hanging up with caller, secure the telephone and do not use. If possible, immediately contact Safety & Security or the Department of Administrative Services (341-4901) from another nearby telephone and provide all known information.
  • If requested, adhere to the College's "Shelter-in-Place" procedures.
  • If a suspicious package or explosive device is found, do not touch, move or attempt to open. Immediately evacuate that area. Once in a safe location, contact Safety & Security.
  • The discovery or detonation of one explosive device does not remove the threat of additional devices. If evacuated, do not return to the area until given proper permission.
  • In the event that a staff member receives an explosive device threat at their residence that could possibly be work related, they should: notify the Director of Safety & Security of the circumstances and contact their local police department to file an official complaint.

Weather-Related Emergencies

In the event of a tornado or severe storm, all faculty, staff and students should stay away from all windows and seek shelter in an interior hallway on the lowest floor of the building. Do not move to a gymnasium or auditorium with large, poorly supported roofs.

If people are injured, employ the following procedures to report a medical emergency:

  • Call 911 immediately and/or contact Safety & Security
  • Provide the following information:
    • Immediately notify emergency personnel if the victim is unconscious or not breathing.
    • Describe the type of emergency and assistance needed to the best of your ability.
    • Give your name and extension from which you are calling.
    • Give name of victim if known, and their exact location.
    • Hang up last to insure that emergency personnel have no further questions.

Fire Safety

In the event that you see smoke or fire prior to hearing a fire alarm, following these prescribed R.A.C.E. procedures:

  • Rescue: Assist any injured or disabled persons in exiting the building or to a safe refuge.
  • Alarm: Pull nearest fire alarm (know its location nearest your workstation or classroom).
  • Confine: Confine the fire, and if possible, close all windows. Attempt to contain fire by use of proper fire extinguisher. Before leaving the room, take belongings and close doors.
  • Evacuate: Leave the building by means of the closest safe stairway and exit in an orderly manner. DO NOT USE ELEVATORS.

Fire Evacuation

The sound of any fire alarm is to be taken seriously. The signal to evacuate a building for a fire drill or emergency is a series of rings on the building fire bells. Evacuation of the building is mandatory until the signal to re-enter has been given by appropriate personnel and the alarm bells have ceased ringing. Safety & Security personnel have studied and mapped out specific evacuation routes based upon many variables that may arise during an emergency. Safety & Security personnel will direct you along the safest evacuation route. When evacuating:

  • Proceed in a calm and orderly fashion, using your nearest available exit.
  • Assist the handicapped in leaving the building.
  • Do not use elevators.
  • If your pathways are filled with smoke, stay near the floor where the air is less toxic. Smoke is the greatest danger in a fire.
  • Once outside the building, remain clear of the doorways and at least 500 feet from the building. Remain clear of all roadways as well.
  • Where appropriate, Lab School staff and students will be evacuated to a safe location.

Fire Emergency Pre-Plan

To ensure your safety in the event of a fire, plan ahead by researching the following:

  • Know the location of the nearest fire alarm.
  • Know the location of fire extinguishers and how to use them:
  • Pull the pin and aim the extinguisher at base of fire
  • Squeeze the handle
  • Sweep at the base of fire
  • Know where your nearest exits are
  • Know the College emergency numbers to call:
Safety and Security: Middletown: (845) 341-4710 Newburgh: (845) 341-9533


 Mail Bombs/Suspicious Packages/Email Threats


Mail Bombs/Suspicious Packages

If you suspect you are in receipt of a dangerous or suspicious package, contact Safety & Security immediately. Do not touch, move or attempt to open. Evacuate the area if possible.

Mail Bomb Characteristics:

  • Package includes white powder or any other suspicious powder
  • Letters feel rigid, appear lopsided or are bulkier than normal
  • Oil stains may be present on the wrapper
  • Use of an excessive amount of postage stamps
  • The sender is not known by the individual or College personnel
  • No return address
  • Unusual restricted endorsements, such as personal or private
  • Addressee does not normally receive personal mail at the College
  • Name and title of addressee not accurate
  • Address is prepared to insure anonymity of sender (home made labels, cut and paste lettering)
  • Mailing appears to be dissembled or re-glued, or emits a peculiar odor
  • Protruding wires, tinfoil or string is present
  • Pressure or resistance is noted when removing the contents
  • Several combinations of tape are used to secure the parcel
  • Package makes a buzzing or ticking noise, or a sloshing sound

E-mail Bomb Threats

If you receive a threat of this kind, notify the Department of Safety & Security. Do not turn off computer.

Chemical/Bio-Hazard Emergencies

In the event of a chemical spill or leak, hazardous waste contamination, or bio-hazard emergency, conduct the following:

  • Evacuate the immediate area and notify the Office of Safety & Security and/or Facility Services (341-4600).
  • Follow any directions given for assessing the hazard and guidance related to containment and cleanup.
  • If applicable, review Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) to determine the urgency of the situation. The MSDS is Appendix "B" in this Emergency Management Plan
  • Responding into a contaminated area to save a fellow worker or student my put you in danger. Emergency personnel with the Proper Protective Equipment (PPE) will handle any rescue.
  • Arrange to meet responding emergency personnel to provide them with appropriate information.
  • Alert occupants in adjacent area if hazard has the potential to spread.
  • Involve building engineer or custodian for ventilation information. This may involve limiting exposure by containing the fumes in the isolated area or diluting the fumes by opening the area for fresh air ventilation.

Abduction/Missing Person and Hostage Situations

Abduction/Missing Person Situation

If you become aware of a SUNY Orange employee or student who appears to be unaccounted for over a period of time, or witness an abduction, contact Safety & Security immediately. Be prepared to provide as much information as you can about the incident and/or person involved.

Hostage Situation

In the event of a hostage situation on campus, College students and personnel should:

  • Notify Safety & Security immediately.
  • Follow directives and safety requirements as provided by Safety & Security personnel, the administrator in charge, the Middletown Police Department Hostage Unit or the Newburgh Police Department Hostage Unit.
  • The Director of Safety & Security Services, or his designee, will assure the affected area is secured and will designate one mediator to establish communication with the individuals(s) by phone, if possible. If unable to establish communication by phone, the mediator is to act prudently until the police department hostage unit arrives.

What to Do if Taken Hostage

  • Be patient. Time is on your side. Avoid drastic action.
  • The initial 45 minutes are the most dangerous. Follow instructions, be alert and stay alive.
  • The captor is emotionally imbalanced. Don't make mistakes that could endanger your life.
  • Don't speak unless spoken to and then only when necessary. Don't talk down to the captor who may be in an agitated state. Avoid appearing hostile.
  • Maintain eye contact with the captor at all times if possible, but do not stare. Treat the captor like royalty.
  • Try to rest. Avoid speculating. Comply with instructions as best you can. Avoid arguments. Expect the unexpected.
  • Be observant. You may be released or escape. The personal safety of others may depend on your memory.
  • Be prepared to answer the police on the phone. Be patient, wait. If the opportunity presents itself, attempt to establish rapport with the captor.
  • If medications, First Aid, or rest room privileges are needed by anyone, say so. In all probability, the captors do not want to harm persons held by them. Such direct action further implicates the captor in additional offenses.

Public Demonstratons

The College respects the rights of groups to gather for demonstrations. When groups from outside the College provide advance notification of a planned demonstration, Safety & Security will attempt to inform any departments that may be affected. College staff and faculty are urged not to attempt to halt a demonstration and are advised to continue with normal operations.

However, should a demonstration become disruptive to normal College operations, become violent in any fashion, or appear to be escalating toward violence, contact Safety & Security immediately.