Facebook Ad Pixel Commencement Etiquette/Code of Decorum

Commencement Etiquette/Code of Decorum

Welcome to Commencement at SUNY Orange. Our graduation ceremonies are dignified and important events in which the College joins with families, friends, classmates, and the broader community to celebrate the achievements of our graduates.

In the interest of safety and to permit students, families, and friends to celebrate this special day, the College shares the following expectations for all who attend Commencement:

  • Smoking in all forms (including vaping/e-cigarettes) is prohibited.
  • The possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited on College property.
  • The possession or consumption of drugs and/or drug paraphernalia is prohibited on College property.
  • Banners, flags or signs of any shape or sort are not permitted inside the ceremony area.
  • Please turn off or mute cell phones and other electronic devices.
  • No beach balls, confetti poppers, Frisbees, balloons, or other airborne objects are allowed during the Commencement Ceremony. Airhorns, chanting, sirens and other noisemakers are also prohibited.
  • Family members and guests are asked to not rush to the front of the seating area to snap photographs, and to respect all guests’ ability to view the ceremony. Only graduates, appointed staff and photographers may access the area in front of the stage during the ceremony.
  • Audience members are asked to remain in their designated areas and are prohibited from accessing the stage during the ceremony.
  • At the conclusion of the ceremony, audience members are asked to remain seated until the graduates, faculty, staff and the platform party have departed the Alumni Green. Graduates should remain seated until guided out to the left by the ushers.
  • In the event that visitors’ behavior disrupts Commencement or is insubordinate to the reasonable direction of College personnel, the College reserves the right to ask individuals or groups to leave the campus.
  • Unruly visitors who violate this policy, or refuse to depart the campus when requested, will be subject to disciplinary actions and/or criminal charges if those actions rise to the level of criminal behavior.

The policies and procedures of the College, especially those related to the safety and security of persons and property, must be observed at all times. In addition, no person, either singly or in concert with others, shall: 

  • Interrupt a speaker or the ceremony. The speakers are entitled to communicate their message to the audience and the audience is entitled to hear the messages and see the speakers. Audience members shall not substantially interfere with the speakers’ ability to communicate or the audience’s ability to hear and see the speakers.
  • Threaten passers-by
  • Interfere with, impede, or cause blockage of the flow of vehicular or pedestrian traffic
  • Commit any act likely to create imminent safety or health hazards
  • Interfere with or disrupt any other lawful or permitted activity by anyone in the same general location at the same time
  • Post materials on any campus buildings, walls, windows, doors, sidewalks, trees, light poles, fences or any other College-owned equipment except in designated areas
  • Carry signs or other transportable displays that are affixed to metal poles, wooden sticks or other items that could be deemed a dangerous weapon
  • Conduct speech that includes words that by their very nature tend to incite an immediate breach of the peace
  • Engage in any speech or action that is not allowed by law or is inconsistent with the College’s commitment to maintaining campuses free of harassment or discrimination
  • Engage in any speech that is likely to incite or produce immediate lawless action
  • Incite others to commit any of the acts prohibited
  • Possess or use air guns, firearms, rifles, shotguns, flares, fireworks or other weapons on a SUNY Orange campus, regardless of whether such person possesses a license to possess the same, without the written authorization of the College President. This policy does not apply to authorized law enforcement officers accessing a College campus or property in the course of their official law enforcement duties.

In addition, graduates are advised as follows:

  • Please wear appropriate attire and footwear as the ramp to the stage is steep.
  • Graduates are asked to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner that does not distract from the Commencement while attending the ceremony and crossing the stage/receiving their diploma.
  • An official photographer will take a picture when each graduate is presented with a diploma cover. Another photo will be taken once each graduate departs the stage. These images will be available for graduates and families to purchase. Graduates should have received a photography card as part of the graduate packet.