Commencement Rehearsal
All graduates are required to attend a mandatory Commencement Rehearsal. The Rehearsal is scheduled for Wednesday, May 20, 2020 from 9:00 a.m. until approximately 11:00 a.m.. It will be held in the Physical Education Center at the Middletown Campus. Every graduate walking in the Commencement Ceremony must attend the Rehearsal. Be sure to make necessary arrangements to be in attendance. At the conclusion of the Rehearsal, caps and gowns will be distributed on the 1st floor of the Shepard Student Center.
If you are unable to attend due to work or other commitments, you must contact the Office of the Vice President for Student Services at 845 341-4000 or email to arrange an appointment to meet with staff for instructions.
The Commencement Rehearsal is designed to give you instructions regarding the ceremony and how you will be lining up on the day of Commencement. When you arrive at Rehearsal, you will be given written directions regarding the line-up and a photography card. Go into the gym and take a seat. The Vice President for Student Services will be giving directions, so please be attentive as important details will be explained.
On Commencement Day, Thursday, May 21, 2020, all graduates walking in the ceremony should arrive no later than 4:15 p.m. and no earlier than 3:15 p.m.
- The Commencement Ceremony will take place on the College Alumni Green (the grassy area in the center of the campus) at our Middletown Campus. When you arrive, go directly to the Physical Education Center. There will be Commencement Volunteer Staff in the lobby who will hand you your name card. The card will also indicate your degree and major. You will be told to walk across the street and follow the path to the beginning of the walkway toward Horton Hall. Staff will be there to place you in line according to your major.
- The line-up will be divided into three areas - Liberal Arts, Health Professions, and Business, Math, Science & Technologies. Your name card will list your degree and major. Sign posts will be marked indicating your degree and major and you will be guided to stand in line at the sign that matches your card.
- The Ceremony begins exactly at 5:00 p.m. If you arrive late, you may be asked to go to the end of the line. The graduates will march out in a single line followed by Emeriti, Faculty, and the Platform Party. The Student Marshal, along with the Chairman of the Exercise will guide you to your seats.
- At the end of the Ceremony, you will recess out in a single line following your Student Marshal. You will march around the Alumni Green and past Morrison Hall. The path will be lined with Faculty and Staff who will congratulate you before you join your family and friends.
In the event of rain, the Ceremony will be held indoors in the Physical Education Building.
- When you arrive, go directly to the Physical Education Center. To your right there will be tables where Commencement Volunteer Staff will be waiting to hand you your name card. You will be directed down the long corridor where staff will assist you in finding your place in line.
- The line-up will be the same as in the outdoor arrangement.
- The ceremony begins at 5:00 p.m. sharp. The line will march toward the entrance of the gym and down the aisle. The Student Marshal and the Chairman of the Exercise will direct you to your seats.
- If it is not raining at the end of the Ceremony, you will recess out, cross the street, and march along the path past Morrison Hall where Faculty and Staff will congratulate you before you join your family.
- If it is raining, you will not recess out. Only the Platform Party and Faculty will be in the recession. Graduates will remain in their seats. When the music stops, graduates will be free to leave, meet parents, friends, etc.