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Sexual Assault Prevention (VAWA)


For further help and resources for Sexual Assault Prevention and Reporting, please visit our Sexual Assault Prevention and Reporting page on the Wellness Center website.

The State University of New York and SUNY Orange are committed to providing options, support and assistance to victims/survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and/or stalking to ensure that they can continue to participate in SUNY Orange programs, activities, and employment.

If you have experienced sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, or stalking:

  • Get to a safe place as soon as you can.
  • Try to preserve all physical evidence; do not bathe, douche, or change your clothes.
  • Contact SUNY Orange Department of Safety and Security:
    • Middletown - dial 77 from a campus phone or call 341-4710
    • Newburgh dial 9533 from a campus phone or call 341-9533
    • You may also use one of the Blue Light emergency phones, or any of the red or yellow phones located throughout both campuses.
  • Call the Campus Sexual Assault Victims Hotline 844-845-7269. Reports made to the hotline will result in a response and investigation by the New York State Police Campus Sexual Assault Victims Unit.


Title IX and the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)

SUNY Orange prohibits sexual harassment, gender discrimination and sexual violence. Title IX of the Education Amendments (1972) prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in any educational program or activity that receives federal financial assistance (20 U.S.C. 1681(a)). Title IX prohibits sexual harassment, including sexual violence.

The Violence Against Women (VAWA) Reauthorization Act (2013), also prohibits sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. This federal legislation is sometimes referred to as the Campus Sexual Violence Elimination (SaVE) Act.

As a student, faculty member, staff member, or visitor you are protected under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act (VAWA) of 2013. The Title IX and VAWA policy describes the College’s:

  • Reporting policies and protocols for allegations of sexual violence
  • Confidentiality in responding to and investigating these complaints
  • Counseling, advocacy, and support
  • Interim and protective measures for victims
  • Investigation procedures and protocols
  • Grievance procedures
  • Rights and roles of the parties during the adjudication process.

The decision to file a formal report or complaint about sexual violence and sexual assault is a personal choice. We’re here to help you understand your options and the resources available, whether you decide to report or not. If you decide not to file a formal report, SUNY Orange resources are still available to you for counseling, academic support and other needs. Behavior that is covered by Title IX/VAWA includes, but is not limited to:

Gender discrimination:

In appropriate language, humor and/or jokes, or common expressions that target or are discriminatory toward a specific gender, sexual orientation, gender expression, gender identity, or nonconformity to sex stereotypes.

Sexual assault:

  • Nonconsensual sexual contact
  • Nonconsensual intercourse
  • Taking sexual advantage of a consensual or nonconsensual person

Sexual harassment:

  • Displaying inappropriate sexual images that are offensive and unwelcome
  • Unwelcome, gender-based verbal or physical conduct
  • Exchanging sexual images, sexual acts or dating for grades or advancement

Domestic/Dating Violence:

  • Intimate partner violence, committed by a person who is or has been in a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature with the victim.

Other behaviors:

  • Stalking Unwelcome, continuous and menacing pursuit directed at a specific person electronically or in person that would cause a reasonable person to either fear for the person’s safety or the safety of others or suffer substantial emotional distress.
  • “Sexting” Unwelcome text messaging or sexual comments and/or images
  • Cyberbullying Use of an electronic medium to target and psychologically torment a person