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Business Clubs

Where Excellence Is Achieved!

The Business Department provides opportunities for students to join a Business Club headquartered on the Middletown campus.

Faculty advisors for the clubs are:

If you are interested in becoming a member you can do any of the following:

  • Join us from 11 a.m.-12 p.m. Tuesdays during the fall and spring semesters in Harriman Hall 203 or by Zoom (https://sunyorange.zoom.us/j/97999080085)
  • Contact one of the faculty advisors in HA 202 for more information. 

Events and Activities

MEETINGS: The Business Club has meetings and activities at the Middletown campus with Zoom options available. (https://sunyorange.zoom.us/j/97999080085)

OFFICERS: Each semester the club members will elect officers. Any student may run for office. To be an officer a requirement is a commitment to attend meetings and contribute to the club. For returning students, club officers must have a CQPA of at least 2.0.

CLUB DAY: Every semester the Business Club participates in Club Day at both campuses. This campus event is sponsored by the Student Activities Office and is designed to give clubs the opportunity to present their activities to students and get new members.

CLUB TRIPS: Club trips are planned in the Spring semester.

ETIQUETTE DINNER: A special dinner to learn business table etiquette and develop networking skills is being planned in the future.

GUEST SPEAKERS: Guest speakers are scheduled each academic year. These speakers range from entrepreneurs who share their entrepreneurial experiences in starting a business in Orange County. Speakers also discuss approaches to marketing in today's business environment.

If you are interested in being a speaker or know someone who would like to speak to the club, or want to know more about the club please contact a faculty advisor.

Hope to see you at the next meeting!

The Business Club's primary objectives are:

  • To promote interest in business.
  • To sponsor speakers on campus who will discuss current business issues.
  • To bring business leaders to campus to meet with students.
  • To be involved in community-based projects.
  • To discuss and share business related topics.
  • To provide field trips to enhance first-hand knowledge of the business world.
  • To be involved in fund raisers to help finance the club's activities.

Follow us on Instagram at @business.oc