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Student Resources

Assisting SUNY Orange Students with Academics and Student Support from a Distance

As SUNY Orange delivers its academic offerings to a distance format in response to the COVID-19 outbreak, students must stay connected with your instructors, who will be sharing information with you regarding individual classes.

If you have broader questions related to your courses and academic experience you can email questionaboutmyclass@sunyorange.edu.

Summer Chromebook Lending Program

SUNY Orange is conducting a Student Chromebook Lending program for students registered for the Summer Sessions.

If you would like to apply for this Chromebook lending program, please complete and submit the Chromebook application form as soon as possible. Our supply is limited. College staff will be available from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Wednesday (May 18-20) to distribute the initial wave of Chromebooks to qualifying students. Students accepted for the program will be notified via their SUNY Orange email and provided instructions regarding when/how to pick up your Chromebook.

Keep in mind, students accepted into the program will be expected to 1) show their SUNY Orange student identification card, and 2) complete a Chromebook user agreement upon acceptance of their device.

We understand you may be facing many challenges brought on by the COVID-19 outbreak. Access to technology is extremely important as we all try to support your studies at a distance, so if you need to borrow a Chromebook, we urge you to apply as soon as possible.

Center for Student Success Available Online

Center for Student Success is open and available for online support!  Our virtual front desk is open the same hours as before:

Monday - Thursday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Friday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Students can continue to work with our tutors online in the subjects typically available on-campus, including our most popular: Math, Biology, English, Chemistry.  Work with our tutors on your coursework while also setting up study plans and strategies, time management—not to mention with the changes we're all facing due to COVID-19, you can also work with our tutors for support in adjusting to online learning. To get started, complete an Application for Scheduled Online Tutoring or by contacting us directly. 

NetTutor is also available for all SUNY Orange students in a broad range of subjects and session types.  NetTutor is also available evenings and weekends (24/7 for Math). 

Follow us on Twitter  

Connecting with the Library

Librarians can help you navigate the library's resources to find reliable information that will impress your professors.

Text a librarian: 845-262-2542

Email a librarian at: library@sunyorange.edu

Chat online with a Librarian

Search our Library for books and e-books, videos, articles, digital media, and more.

Access our Subject Research Guides

View our Library Tutorials and How-to Videos

Tips for Becoming a Successful Remote Learner

Remote Learning or distance learning is the education of students who may not always be physically present at a school. It involves the exchange of information via technology and tools, may be synchronous (via video conference) or asynchronous via email, Blackboard or shared GoogleDrive.  

Tips for being a successful remote learner 

Set a fixed time to engage in the course work.

  • Being organized and self-disciplined is a necessity.  Just as you would normally go to class for a set period of time on a particular day, set that same day/time aside to engage with the course instructor and complete the work assigned.

Do not rush through your work.

  • Take your time.  Make sure you understand the information and assignments. Ask questions of instructors and classmates. Be diligent and thoughtful about your submissions.  

Take the time to ask questions and engage instructors/classmates.

  • Just because the course is offered over a computer does not mean you are on your own. Ask questions about the content, follow up with discussion posts or email to the class. Utilize the resources provided.  

Explore the technology being used and ask for support.

  • It can feel overwhelming to shift gears and learn a new technology, especially if you have a short amount of time to do it. Seek out instructional videos or tutorials made available to you. 

Use alarms and calendars to ensure your benchmarks and course milestones are met.

  • Good organizational skills is one of the keys to being successful in distance learning courses. Once you get your syllabus or course plans, record all important dates on your calendar.

Social learners engage.

  • Know that you may learn as much about people from the collaboration exercises and projects as you do about the course content or topic itself.  Take advantage of opportunities to connect with instructors and classmates via ZOOM or GoogleMeet to maintain face to face (live) engagement. Keep the discussion boards lively.  

SUNY Orange Center for Student Success Resources    

Maureen Larsen:

Dana Salkowsky:

Tips for Becoming a Successful Remote Learner (pdf)

 Student Guide to Blackboard

Blackboard is an online learning management system that features course management, customizable content and design that allows for instructor/student exchange of information and assessment. 


  • have access to Blackboard for each class in which they are enrolled
  • can receive alerts for updates to Blackboard via their SUNYOrange email 

Blackboard Orientation for Students

Tech Details 

  • Blackboard is available on laptop or desktop via internet browser 
  • Blackboard courses will be available for those you  classes you are enrolled 
  • Blackboard App available for mobile devices (free) ***however there may be some differences in the way content is displayed

Using Blackboard

  • Check with your instructor to determine how they will be utilizing Blackboard
  • Information can be received
  • Assignments may be submitted
  • Grades may be available


Maureen Larsen:

Dana Salkowsky:

Student Guide to Blackboard (pdf)

 Student Guide to Zoom

ZOOM is an online communications system with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, collaboration, chat, and webinars across mobile devices, desktops and telephones.


  • do not need to have a ZOOM account
  • have NO cost associated with using ZOOM (the mobile app is free)
  • do not need to schedule a meeting, only join the meeting their instructor has invited them to

ZOOM tips for students

Tech Details 

  • ZOOM is available on laptop or desktop via internet browser 
  • Best browser:  Chrome, Firefox, or MS Edge
  • ZOOM is cloud based but may require you “run” the application on your computer - it is safe and does not require hard drive space
  • ZOOM App available for mobile devices (free)

Joining a ZOOM meeting

  • Look for email or Blackboard announcement with ZOOM URL link
  • Click the link and it will open a new tab in your internet browser
  • If you do not have access to a computer or mobile phone you can participate in the meeting from any TELEPHONE via the # provided in the invitation

Participating in a ZOOM meeting

  • Click the link to join and wait for your instructor to start the meeting
  • Say Hi! Or use the chat to ‘check in’
  • MUTE your microphone so in case there is background noise
  • Keep video on, if available, and participate in class discussion

Maureen Larsen:

Dana Salkowsky:

Student Guide to Zoom (pdf)

 Student Guide to G Suite

G Suite includes SUNYOrange email, GoogleDrive, Google Apps (meet, classroom, record, etc.).  The full suite of Google tools is available for connection, collaboration and the exchange of information. 


  • have access to the full Google Suite of tools via their SUNYOrange email
  • can collaborate and share documents/assignments with classmates and instructors

GoogleDrive tips for students

GoogleChome browser download

Tech Details 

  • Google mail and drive are accessible on desktop or laptop
  • Google Chrome is the recommended browser for optimal functioning
  • Chrome can be downloaded and used as default browser
  • Google mail and drive Apps available for mobile devices 

Using Gmail & GoogleDrive

  • Check with your instructor to determine how they will be utilizing email and GoogleDrive
  • Information can be received and shared with both classmates and instructor
  • Assignments may be submitted
  • Synchronous meetings can be hosted

Maureen Larsen:

Dana Salkowsky:

Student Guide to GSuite (pdf)

Technical Support

The College’s Inforation Technology Services Help Desk phone number is (845) 341-4749. It is staffed to assist students with logins, access to resources and other technical needs. For our hours of operation, self-help articles, and answers to common questions, please visit: https://itservice.sunyorange.edu

Students seeking technical support for Blackboard should call the SUNY Online Help Desk at 1-844-673-6786 or email maureen.larsen@sunyorange.edu

Access to Low Cost or Free Internet at Home

Internet Access at Home: 

Charter COVID-19 Remote Education Credit

Beginning Monday, March 16, Charter is offering free access to internet and WiFi for 60-days for new Pre-K to 12, college student and teacher households who don't currently have internet or WiFi service. This discount will be applied as a credit for your first two months of internet services. Charter will waive any installation or pre-payment fees to help get you started.

You can qualify for this offer if you:

  • Have a student of qualifying age at your service address with remote education needs
  • Have not subscribed to our internet services within the past 30 days

Call (855) 243-8892 to sign up for this offer. 

PLEASE NOTE:  Previous restrictions to eligibility related to households with outstanding unpaid balances have been waived for New York households. 

Altice COVID-19 Free Broadband to K-12 and College Students During Coronavirus Pandemic

Beginning March 16, 2020 Altice is offering its Altice Advantage 30 Mbps broadband solution for free for 60 days to any new customer household within its footprint. 

Eligible households interested in this solution can call: 

  •  866-200-9522 to enroll in Optimum region 
  •  888-633-0030 to enroll in Suddenlink region 

PLEASE NOTE:  Previous restrictions to eligibility related to households with outstanding unpaid balances have been waived for New York households.

Xfinity wifi free for everyone: Xfinity WiFi hotspots across the country will be available to anyone who needs them for free – including non-Xfinity Internet subscribers. For a map of Xfinity WiFi hotspots, visit www.xfinity.com/wifi.

Additional resources for free or low-cost internet access provided by SUNY.

SUNY Orange does not endorse any of the companies mentioned above, nor does the College have a contractual obligation to any of those companies)

Managing Stress During the COVID-19 Outbreak

The outbreak of COVID-19 may be stressful for many people. Fear and anxiety about the unknown is natural, but it is important to take care of your physical and mental health during this time. 

Stress during an infectious disease outbreak may include:

  • Changes in sleep or eating patterns
  • Fear about health and financial matters
  • Difficulty sleeping 
  • Students adjusting to online learning or Issues adjusting to online learning
  • Those with pre-existing mental health or physical health issues may experience an increase in symptoms.
  • Suggestion (to keep like the others):
  • An increase in symptoms for those with pre-existing mental health or physical health issues.

Tips to Ease Anxiety

  • Get enough rest
  • Keep exercising
  • Eat well
  • Limit exposure to media coverage and social media related to COVID-19
  • Recognize what you have control over and what you do not. 
  • Try to keep a normal schedule when taking classes online or working from home
  • Practice mindfulness
  • Try to keep the situation in perspective and stay connected to family and friends

Be sure to get information related to COVID-19 from reliable sources. There is plenty of misinformation and conflicting news circulating which can increase feelings of anxiety and depression. The Centers for Disease Control website is a reliable resource for current information: https: www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov or The World Health Organization: https:www.who.int/emergencies/disease  

New York State has also partnered with Headspace to provide online methods for improving mental health, reducing stress and relieving anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic. You can access Headspace for free.

Emergency Resources for those in Need

United Way COVID-19 Community Response and Recovery Fund … will help with bills, rent, and food. You can dial the United Way’s 211 confidential free helpline around the clock.

SUNY Orange Food Pantry: Students can access the Food Pantry by contacting Madeline Torres-Diaz at madeline.torresdiaz@sunyorange.edu, Steve Harpst at steve.harpst@sunyorange.edu or Dolores Jones at dolores.jones@sunyorange.edu.

Community Food Banks: Food bank locations or food resources provided locally  can be found by visiting www.auntbertha.com or by calling the Why Hunger hotline at 1 (800) 5-HUNGRY.

SUNY Orange Emergency Fund: A SUNY Orange student enrolled in a degree program, registered at least half-time (6 credits), and in good academic standing (GPA 2.0 or above) may apply for support from the College’s Emergency Fund.

Bookstore Support

FREE Online Shipping Offer: Visit the campus bookstore website for free shipping on all items with no minimum purchase. This includes various formats of course materials, supplies, apparel, technology and more.

Access to eBooks AT NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE: Visit the bookstore website to gain access to eBooks at no additional charge with your @sunyorange.edu email address. Each student can access up to 7 eBooks for the designated period free of charge.

Free Shipping on Rental Returns and Deadline Extensions: The campus store is offering free shipping return labels and is also extending the non-return period without penalty to assist with increased returns by mail. Click the COVID-19 message on the home page of the bookstore website for the details.

Rental Textbook Return Information

If you rented your textbooks this Spring semester, rest assured you will still be able to return your books.  

Two ways to get a Rental Return Label

1. Wait for the rental reminder email that is sent 14 days before your rental due date. Email is sent again 7 days, 3 days, and the day of your due date. This email contains a link to generate a free return shipping label and packing slip.

 2. Or you can immediately generate a free return shipping label on this website sunymiddletownshop.com or use www.sunynewburghshop.com(according to your campus) in your account:

  • Click the Sign In link on the top right side of the page to sign into your account.
  • Enter the email address you provided at the register when you rented. Note: Even if you rented in the store, an account was created using the email you provided at the register. (If you don’t know your password, you can click Forgot Password link for a temporary password to be emailed to you.)
  • Once you’ve signed in, click the link “Rentals”. You will be navigated to the Rentals page in your account.
  • On Rentals page, scroll down the page to see the books you rented. Click the link “Return All Rentals by Mail”. You can also click the button “Return by Mail”. Both open a pop up to select your rentals to ship back.
  • Follow the steps to generate and print the return label and packing slip. This option is available until your rental due date.

NOTE: While the due date for rented books has not changed, the “non-return charge date” has been extended 15 days past your current return due date to allow time for your mailed book to reach the store. To avoid late charges, please have your book in transit by the due date.

Additional Online Resources Provided by SUNY

Getting Started with Zoom

Four Tips to Help You Communicate with Your Professor 

Information for Active Military and Veterans 

Wellness and Distance Learning Information