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Library Policies


Cell Phone & Mobile Device Usage

Sounds from electronic equipment including but not limited to desktops, laptops, audio players, and other mobile devices must be inaudible to other patrons. Headphones are required when using these devices.

Quiet cell phone conversations are allowed within the study areas, however ringers should be turned off and phones set to vibrate.

Users in violation of this policy will be asked to end the call or move to either the Student Lounge on the first floor or the Cell Phone Zone located at the library main entrance.

Chromebook Lending Program

HP Chromebooks are available for semester long lending for currently enrolled students (while supplies last). 

Students need to provide the following to borrow a Chromebooks.

  • Photo ID
  • Current Class Schedule
  • Signed "Chromebook Borrowing Policy & Agreement Form" which is available at the circulation desk. 

Chromebook Policy 2024

"Borrowers may borrow only one Chromebook at a time.  

Borrowers understand that the computers use an unsecured Internet connection. These devices require a wireless connection to the internet. The College assumes no responsibility for the loss or compromise of information transmitted across the connection.  

The College is not responsible for files lost due to battery failure or other unintended shut down.

It is suggested that students clear the chromebook of personal information and passwords by clearing the browsing history and cache before the device is returned to the library." 

Chromebooks are due at the end of each semester.

Circulation - Who can use the Library? 

The following individuals are eligible for free library privileges:

  • Students, full-time, part-time, and non-credit
  • Alumni, if granted a degree
  • Faculty, full-time, part-time, and adjunct, including non-credit
  • Retirees and Emeritus
  • Staff
  • SUNY Orange tutors
  • SUNY Orange Board of Trustee members
  • High school students enrolled in SUNY Orange courses
  • ENCORE program participants
  • City of Newburgh Library Cooperative Program users (see full policy below)

If a student uses non-SUNY Orange ID, they may also be required to provide a copy of their schedule or other registration verification. Between semesters and during the summer, students with an active “A” number and no library or Student Accounts holds can borrow materials.

Faculty, staff, and administrators may use their SUNY Orange ID card, a Photo ID, or a Library issued card.

Traceable photo identification, such as a driver’s license, must be presented by any patron upon request.

Residents of Orange County and SUNY Orange alumni (without a degree) may purchase a community card for a $5 annual fee. The family rate is $10. Each family member age 16 or over should be issued their own card, and all family members must live at the same address.

Newburgh Library Cooperative patrons must provide identification that includes a current address and a library card or equivalent from their home institution.

Library Study Room Usage:

Current SUNY Orange students have the first priority to access the study rooms. A recent student with an enrollment gap may be permitted to use the study rooms for academic purposes with Library Director approval. All other groups would need approval from the Library Director to access the study rooms on both campuses.

Full General Circulation Policy (PDF)

Collection Development

This policy covers the procedures and criteria for the selection of instructional materials to be purchased by the library. Read our full Library Collection Development Policy.

Computer and Network Use

The Computer & Network Use Policy is managed by our Information Technology Services Department.

Course Reserves Textbooks and Copyright 

View our Copyright-related guidelines for course reserve material. A complete Library copyright policy is available upon request. 

Food & Drink

Please keep your library clean and attractive.

  • Drinks are permitted in the library ONLY if they are in covered spill‐proof containers.
  • No OPEN containers allowed.
  • Light dry snacks are permitted in the library. All other food items must be consumed in the Student Lounge located on the first floor.
  • Patrons violating the policy will be asked to dispose of the food and may be asked to leave the library.
  • Please clean up after yourself and report spills to the library staff.

Guest Users

Guest users are local Orange County residents and other visitors who are not affiliated with SUNY Orange County
Community College. Limited access to library computers and the wireless network are given as a courtesy to community members.

Guest users must sign and present our Guest User Sign In Form.

  • Guest users must present a valid form of Identification upon request. A picture ID is preferred.
  • Guest users must be over 16 years of age. Persons under the age of 16 must be accompanied by a parent at all times.
  • Computers are to be used for research purposes only.
  • A 90 minutes maximum per day time limit applies. If no students are waiting to use the computers the library staff is permitted to extend time limits for special circumstances if requested to do so. Failure to leave when requested will disqualify user from returning.
  • Guest users may print on the college’s printers after setting up a PaperCut account and purchasing print credit to allow printing. Single sided prints cost 10 cents per page and double sided cost 14 cents per page (7 cents per side).
  • Students, faculty and staff of Orange County Community College and SUNY have priority. During periods of high student activity, guest users may be denied access or asked to vacate a computer.
  • Guest users are not allowed to access the student study rooms.
  • Guest users must adhere to the Library Code of Conduct and all college rules and regulations (copies are available at the reference desk), including prohibition of the following. “...engaging in or disseminating illegal, obscene, threatening or unwelcome electronic communication, displaying or printing sexually explicit material in a public location, or damaging computer resources physically or electronically.” (Campus Network Utilization Policy).
  • A limited number of computers are available for guest users at any one time and are assigned on
    a first come first serve basis.
  • Because of license restrictions, some materials may be unavailable to guests.
  • You may not alter the computer configuration or install personal copies of software on library

Information Commons Use (First Floor)

Located on the first floor of the Library, the Information Commons (IC) is an integrated facility designed
to be flexible and to support a variety of activities. In the main space, the computers are set-up on open circular tables to encourage collaboration, yet accommodate individual work. A quiet computer lab is available and located adjacent to the open area.

Two large classrooms surround the open area and can be scheduled by college faculty, departments and offices for the delivery of workshops, classes or other activities related to the educational process.

Assistance is readily available from trained professionals staffing the Help Desk at the entrance of the IC.

Services and Activities

Research and reference assistance from trained librarians

Assistance with IC technology

Information Literacy Instruction

Workshops and training sessions

Cultural enrichment programs

34 computer workstations offering combined access to productivity applications, internet and research databases 25 additional computer workstations housed in a separate quiet lab space

Netbook and Laptop computers are available to borrow in the library for current students, faculty and staff with a valid SUNY Orange ID.

Wireless internet access is available for current students, faculty and staff.

ll users have access to black and white printers. Students receive a $40 print balance at the start of each semester that only applies to printing. Additional printing may be purchased in whole dollar amounts at the front desk of either library. Only unused balances from print purchases carry over to the next semester. Unused balances that were not purchased are erased at the end of the semester.

Group study space.

General Use Policies

IC computers are available to all SUNY Orange students, faculty and staff during regular library hours. Computers are available on a first-come-first-serve basis and cannot be reserved or locked.

Use of the IC computers is restricted to college affiliated patrons as determined by the SUNY Orange

Computer Usage Policy

Information Commons (updated December 2014) 2
Research and reference use takes priority over non-academic use Guest User Permissions are available and can be obtained from IC staff.

Classroom Use Policy

Library classroom 102 is designed primarily for programs and functions which further the goals of the Library. When not being used by the Library the rooms are available on the following basis:

Library Instruction takes priority over other uses.

The use must support the educational mission of the Information Commons.

Groups may request to use the rooms no more than twice a month within a given semester.

Exceptions to this policy will be scheduled at the discretion of the Information Commons Librarian.

Interlibrary Loans

Interlibrary loan services are provided to current students, faculty, and staff as well as retired faculty. Other individuals may use their local libraries to request our materials. We do not charge for lending and accept requests from libraries within the United States. Read our full Interlibrary Loan Policy.

Library Code of Conduct

The SUNY Orange Library serves the community by providing access to high quality services and collections. We strive to provide a pleasant environment that facilitates academic research and study supporting the academic goals of the college. Users are expected to engage in behavior that supports this learning
environment and adhere to the Library Code of Conduct.

Three types of learning environments are available in the library:

Group Study Areas are to be used for collaboration, project work, and discussion. In respect for other users, students should refrain from loud or disruptive conversations or other noisy behavior. Staff will determine whether behavior in these areas constitutes a policy violation.

Modified Quiet areas are to be used for individual study and quiet conversation.Staff assessment of behavior and complaints from other users of these spaces will determine whether a policy violation has occurred. Staff may ask users to move to Group Study space if behavior is disturbing others.

In Quiet Study areas, conversation is prohibited, except for library reference service.

Look for signs posted throughout the Library designating the established purpose of the space.

Please note that:

Computing resources are available to support the instructional activities of the College, therefore, research use of computers takes priority over recreational use. (see ITS Network Utilization Policy).

Campus Security may ask any user to present their student ID, library card or other identification at any time.

Standing in groups or moving furniture in ways that block or impair passage of foot traffic, carts and/or equipment is not permitted. In the Information Commons(IC), no more than eight chairs may be brought to a pod, with no more than two chairs allowed at any one workstation. All
users of study areas must be seated, with one user per chair.

Mutilation of library materials, including marking pages with pens, highlighters or other instruments; tearing or removal of pages; removing security devices, purposely damaging materials or any other library property is not tolerated and such acts will be reported to Campus

Loud or disruptive conversations and/or behaviors are prohibited.

Harassing, offensive, violent, threatening or unlawful behavior will not be tolerated and such acts will be reported to Campus Security.

Sounds from electronic equipment including but not limited to desktops, laptops, audio players, and other mobile devices must be inaudible to other patrons. Headphones are required when using these devices.

Quiet cell phone conversations are allowed within study areas, however ringers should be turned off and phones set to vibrate. Users in violation of this policy will be asked to end the call or move to either the Student Lounge on the first floor or Cell Phone Zone located at the library main entrance.

To prevent damages to library materials and equipment, beverages are permitted in the library only if they are in covered spill-proof containers.

Food is limited to small, dry snack items. All other food items must be consumed in the Student Lounge located on the first floor.

Students are expected to clean up after themselves and report any spills to the library staff.

Problems should be brought to the attention of the library staff. Those library users who fail to comply with the Library Code of Conduct will be asked to leave the library facility and/or reported to Campus Security for disciplinary

Read the General Student Code of Conduct

Read the ITS Network Utilization Policy

Posting Information in the Library

In order to post ads or flyers, you must first obtain permission from the Student Life Office, 2nd floor, George Shepard Student Center. Flyers may only be posted on bulletin boards. They may not be hung on walls, windows or doors.

Any postings not displaying the Student Life Office permission stamp will be removed.

Postings originating from a college office or student club do not need to be stamped.

To view the library's entire policy manual please contact the library director at ext. 4251 or library@sunyorange.edu.

Library Hours
Monday 7:45am - 7pm
Tuesday 7:45am - 5pm
Wednesday 7:45am - 5pm
Thursday 7:45am - 7pm
Friday 7:45am - 5pm

Monday 8am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 7pm
Wednesday 9am - 7pm
Thursday 8am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm