Interlibrary Loans
If the SUNY Orange Libraries don't own an item or a needed item is checked out, Interlibrary
Loan can be used by current students, faculty, and staff to get it from other libraries
across the country.
Did you know?
- You can get a book sent from Newburgh to Middletown and vice versa.
- SUNY Libraries’ materials are available to you as a walk in at any SUNY campus AND via Interlibrary Loan.
- We do allow you to request course textbooks. Please note that we can request a specific edition, but the book that arrives may not be the correct edition. Please allow extra time to handle any problems of this nature.
- Some of our local library systems do not participate in the program that we use. It is always a good idea to check their library catalogs for readily available material. Please see the Catalogs page of our website for links.
To access your ILLiad account, select My ILLiad Account.
The Process
Our automated system for requesting can be used in the SUNY Orange library catalog and most databases, WorldCat Local, (on campus only), and Google Scholar. Requests are also accepted using the New Request and Book Chapter request forms linked from the Main Menu page in ILLiad. Lists submitted via email to will be processed as staff availability allows with up to a two week wait.
You can monitor your requests using My Library Card in the COLT Library Catalog and your ILLiad account page.
Phone or email notification will be provided when the item arrives. Pickup of physical items in Middletown or Newburgh is available. Articles and book chapter requests are usually delivered electronically unless another delivery method is required.
Due dates and renewal options will vary.
Our full Interlibrary Loan policy can be found on our Library Policies page.
Tips for using the service . . .
- Long loan periods are available from SUNY Libraries and some state and national libraries. If you need a long loan period, please put that information in the notes section of the electronic request form. We cannot guarantee that a long loan period will be available for every item.
- Some materials are difficult to locate or have fees/charges for loaning or copying. Copyright charges for multiple recent articles from a journal are covered by the library in most instances. Borrowing fees are usually paid by the patron. We will contact you if the only libraries that own the item you are requesting have fees.
- All physical items are shipped to the Middletown campus from other libraries, then shipped to Newburgh from Middletown. Please allow extra time when using Newburgh as a pickup location.
Contact us
Email at or call (845) 341-4254 with general questions. For information
about items for pickup, please call (845) 341-4855 for Middletown and (845) 341-9020 for