Working with a Pathway Coach
Pathway Coaches offer individualized support through one-on-one meetings with students, as well as
group opportunities to connect through workshops, FOCUS groups, career panels, classroom
visits, & other fun events.
SUNY Orange offers over 42 degree programs that allow students to enter their desired field or transfer to a four-year university, career certificates, & workforce trainings housed in seven academic communities.
Each coach represents a different academic community that they have specialized, extensive educational & professional experience in. This unique aspect allows our coaches to tailor our support to your personal, professional, and academic goals.
Scheduling Your Pathway Coach Sessions
Students can work with our Pathway Coaches in drop-in or book on your own sessions during a coach's office hours. All students can schedule their sessions via Orange Connect, your online platform to connect with SUNY Orange resources & services. Our holistic, hybrid support allows students to explore strategies to best support academic, financial, career & personal goals. You can find a Coach at any one of the Center for Student Success locations or online.
Want to know more about the types of sessions we offer?
- Drop-in: Stop by one of our Centers or reach out via phone/email to see if your Pathway Coach has an open office hour available.
- Book on your own: You can schedule your sessions when they work for you. All coaches office hours are available to view and book via Orange Connect. Our coaches offer hybrid support (in-person at both campuses & via Zoom).
- Group Sessions: Coaches can work with a group of students who want to network, share similar goals, etc. If you are interested in this opportunity, reach out to a coach today!
What to Expect in Your Coaching Sessions
When working with us, you can always expect your coach will:
- Be knowledgeable of your SUNY Orange resources to assist in your success.
- Set goals & clear expectations for your sessions.
- Explore all educational & career opportunities in your academic community.
- Equip you with the confidence & skills to independently accomplish the work on your own.
As a student, we understand the academic commitment you make to SUNY Orange in conjunction with other personal & professional obligaitons. To feel most prepared, comfortable, & confident for your session with a Pathway Coach, please review our PROSPERAR Sessions Tips Sheet (PDF).