On this Resources page, the Center for Student Success & other collaborators provide helpful handouts (& additional links) to use as study guides, reference, review, or refreshers. Learn habits & strategies to make the most of your study time & to hone those skills that will help you succeed not just as a student, but as a professional in your chosen career. The handouts are easy to access & view online, or you can print them out to keep with you.
Student Success
Here you'll find handouts & exercises that will help you adjust to life as a student,
whether this is your first or last semester. The work/life/school juggle can be a
lot to manage (pandemic or not)! At one time or another, everyone faces stress or
uncertainty about how to keep working toward their goals as a student. The resources
the Center for Student Success provides is available at all times of sudden challenge or change to your routines/schedule.
Your First Six Weeks: A Checklist (PDF)
A weekly checklist for the first 6 weeks of the semester. Check off the boxes each
Adjusting Your Study Habits for Online Learning (PDF)
A reference guide on how to adjust your studying & make a plan for being successful.
Habits for Successful Students (PDF)
A visual guide on the pro-tips of being a student (on top of your other commitments).
How to Write an Email to Your Instructor (PDF)
A quick anatomy of a professional email & why they matter.
Learning Readiness Self-Reflection (PDF)
An open-ended question activity to spark your thinking about how you learn best.
Online Learning Strategies (PDF)
Some active learning strategies & exercises for making the most out of your classes.
Study Skills
Concept Mapping (PDF)
A guide on how to visualize information/concepts you need to see, understand, & analyze.
Focused Study Sessions (PDF)
A step-by-step guide on how to make the most out of your study sessions.
How Do I Take Notes? (PDF)
A self-reflection exercise to start thinking about what note-taking style works for
Study Smarter Not Harder (PDF)
Some important study tips & preliminary questions to ask about how you use your study
Test Stress & Prep (PDF)
A self-reflection exercise to start thinking about how you prepare for a test.
The Study Cycle (PDF)
A visual guide to help you build effective studying into your everyday life.
Time Management
Time Management Matrix (PDF)
An exercise that helps you identify how to prioritize your work, goals, & commitments.
Time Management Tips (PDF)
A beginner's guide to time management, followed by a weekly calendar template & planning
Weekly Project To-Do List (PDF)
A visual planning chart to start breaking down bigger projects into manageable goals.
Math Study Tips (PDF)
Some proven tips & strategies on how to study for math, in & outside of class.
Reading & Writing
Building An Outline (PDF)
A general guide for building your essay outline, followed by an outline template to
start organizing your writing.
How to Write a Thesis Statement (PDF)
An intro to the differences between your essay topic & your thesis statement, & how
to get started writing your thesis.
Plagiarism: What Is It & How Do I Avoid It? (PDF)
A brief guide to what plagiarism is & how we give proper credit to an author's words
or ideas.
Some additional resources on study tips, writing, research, & learning in general:
- New York College Learning Skills Association
- Khan Academy
- OWL The Purdue Online Writing Lab
- Grammarly
- MLA Style Center
- Quizlet
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