PROSPERAR Programming
PROSPERAR at SUNY Orange has provided our campus community the exciting opportunity to amplify & apply our Guided Pathways/SUNY Orange Experience (SOEX) frameworks with targeted strategies identified to increase the support & success of all students, particularly our growing Hispanic/Latine/Chicanx student populations, through revamping student onboarding, advising, course scheduling, & curriculum.
Student & Family Orientation
From registration to completion, our team is dedicated to providing our campus community
with support that enhances your overall college experience. Through our Title V grant,
PROSPERAR seeks to provide proactive, holistic, & inclusive programming with students
& families in mind. Our biannual Student & Family Orientations create opportunities to connect with SUNY Orange services, from day one, to build
a sense of belonging, community, & familiarity. Our campus onboarding & orientation processes speak to the needs of our incoming students, incorporating their
support systems & bridging gaps that exist to successfully set you up for your first
First Year Experience (FYE)
Starting Fall 2023, PROSPERAR is piloting a 1-credit First Year Experience (FYE) program that equips our students with tools for success, integrating career & co-curricular experiences into advising & instruction for students to develop a career path.
This transformative opportunity allows us to redesign learning experiences for students to engage with the campus in meaningful ways & introduce concepts earlier on that are crucial to success.
Meet & Greet
Our biannual Meet & Greet Events are hosted by Pathway Coaches to connect students with peers in their pathway communities, resources, & services.
PROSPERAR builds on holistic support to build community through food & giveaways to create a welcoming, inviting environment for all. Check your SUNY Orange Gmail or Grapevine for the next event!
Career Panels
Our PROSPERAR Career Panels are a collaborative effort with the SUNY Orange Foundation to bring SUNY Orange alumni back & speak on their progression from a student into their respective career choice. Each community highlights graduates who capitalized on their student experience through involvement, such as engagement in clubs or networking in internships, & successfully navigate the workforce industry in unique positions. We also collaborate with other SUNY Orange programs to highlight representatives from local organizations, companies, & vendors as an opportunity to network with students & expose them to the wonderful opportunities that await them upon graduation. Check your SUNY Orange Gmail or Grapevine for the next event!
FOCUS Groups
Designed by our Peer Orientation Leaders, FOCUS Groups are pop-up events that give students a platform to voice their feedback about their student experience.
Topics for FOCUS Groups vary, including engagement with student resources & services, how being a first-generation college student affects their studies, & many more. A variety of giveaways are available at these events to thank students for their time. Check your SUNY Orange Gmail or Grapevine for the next pop up!
Our Pathway Coaches collaborate with various departments across campus to host workshops with throughout each semester that support your personal, professional, & academic goals.
These hands-on opportunities to connect with a Coach include time management, goal setting, improving overall wellness, Lunch & Learn, & more! Check your SUNY Orange Gmail or Grapevine for the next event!