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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I book a session with a Pathway Coach?

To book your sessions, start by going to Orange Connect and selecting "PROSPERAR Pathway Coach" under your Success Network. Follow this handout for step-by-step instructions. 

Where is my Pathway Coach located on campus?

Pathway Coaches provide hybrid (in-person & online) support from the MiddletownNewburgh campuses. Below are some of the locations where you may find us:

Middletown Campus:

  • Center for Student Success - Library 2nd Floor
  • Math Lab - Harriman Hall 309
  • Reading/Writing Center - Library 213
  • The Biology Center - RCSE 306 
  • Pathways Room - Shepard Student Center, Lower Level

Newburgh Campus:

  • Center for Student Success - Kaplan 220
  • Math Lab - Kaplan 229 (inside CSS)
  • Reading/Writing Center - 225 (inside CSS)
  • The Biology Center - Kaplan 220 (inside CSS)

If you have any questions or concerns regarding connecting with your Pathway Coach, we encourage students to check out their coach's profile in Orange Connect! 

What areas can my Pathway Coach support?

Each of our Pathway Coaches represent one of the seven academic communities your program is housed in. Depending on your community, your Pathway Coach can work with you to create a success plan, integrating your goals & ambitions with the academic expectations of our courses & degree programs. Additionally, your Pathway Coach can ensure you are supported in other areas to honor the dynamics that potentially affect your success, both in & outside of the classroom.

Our coaches work with students at various points in their academic journey, assisting them in a variety of ways including connecting to support services on campus, student involvement/engagement, community resources, & career exploration.

How often can I meet with a Pathway Coach?

There is no limit to how often you can connect with your Pathway Coach!

If you are looking for extra help but aren't sure what will work with your schedule, we encourage you to call or email us to discuss the support options that might work for you.

What if I can't make the session I scheduled?

Students are encouraged to cancel sessions with their Pathway Coach with as much notice as possible. Please click here for more information on how to cancel a session.

We understand that things come up, so when in doubt or when you need to cancel, just call or email

Can I bring a friend to my session?

If you are interested in having a friend (who is also a SUNY Orange student) or peer join your scheduled session, just let your Pathway Coach know! 

We offer one-on-one support options as well as group opportunties.