Benefits and Services
Student Support Services is a program for current or incoming college students who need academic assistance and other services to be successful at SUNY Orange.
Funded by a federal grant, the project provides advising, resource referrals, informational workshops and orientation for eligible students.
Academic Assistance
The TRiO-SSS offers regular advising on a large array of topicsincluding course selection
and enrollment, freshman mandatory advising, navigation of student databases, information
on career and majors, financial aid and financial literacy, graduate school planning
and campusresources.
Resource Referrals
TRiO provides a comprehensive listing of internal and external resources assisting
students with overcoming barriers such as child care, services for homeless youths/students,
physical/mental health and many more.
TRiO provides workshops throughout the year on topics such as adjusting to college,
study skills, time management, campus resources, information on financial aid and
literacy, resume writing, graduate school planning and many more.
Peer Mentor
Participants can elect to be paired with a Trio mentor for an additional means of
support from a student who has already gone through the first year college experience.
Mentors provide guidance in how to be successful in college!
Freshman Orientation
Every incoming freshman accepted into TRiO attends an orientation where they are introduced
to TRiO staff and mentors as well as other college support staff. It is an excellent
way to become familiar with the campus and the resources the college has to offer.
Topics covered include College Survival Tips and Tricks! Get a headstart on success!
TRiO offers its students a dedicated space for them to study and socialize. A lounge
space outside our doors is for TRiO students to eat, study, or hang out. Inside we
offer a lending library of textbooks, computers to utilize, and access to printers.
We also have the amenities to make toast, tea and coffee. Trio makes you feel at home!
Social Activities
TRiO gives its students opportunities to socialize and interact with each other through fun events. These include: TRiO Recognition Ceremony (An annual celebration of student accomplishments) Trio Toast (Light breakfast provided to students throughout the semester), Cocoa Comeback (a hot chocolate bar set up at the beginning of the Winter Semester) Weenie Roast (hot dogs with all the fix-in s) and Cookie Exchange (bake and share holiday treats). Join us for some fun!