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Documentation Required

It is the responsibility of the student to obtain and supply OAS with all necessary documentation. Clear, comprehensive and current documentation must be submitted with sufficient time for it to be reviewed and for any necessary accommodations to be arranged. You must also contact our office to arrange an Intake Interview before your academic accommodations are approved. Documentation may be sent to accessibilityservices@sunyorange.edu 


Documentation must state:

  • your diagnosis and course of treatment
  • the nature and severity of your functional limitations
  • the duration for which they are expected to continue
  • must substantiate the need for specific accommodations requested:



Must be stated clearly and be supported by additional information. OAS can provide a form for the documenting professional to complete that will give us a comprehensive information. (If you a more accessible version of the document below. Please contact us at the numbers listed above).



Recommendations for specific accommodations or services may be provided by the documenting professional, but OAS reserves the right to make the final decision.

  • Current assessment including an IQ test and achievement test scores (WAIS-R)
  • Achievement test scores (Woodcock Johnson)
  • Raw data and Interpretation
  • Specified recommendations for accommodations based on the interpreted tests may be included, but OAS reserves the right to make the final decision.

You should bring documentation from a qualified professional/specialist, according to the type of disability as shown in the following chart:

Documentation from Professionals
Disability Category Professionals to be Consulted
ADD, ADHD Psychologist, Psychiatrist, or Physician
Emotional Disability Psychologist, or Psychiatrist
Visual Impairment Ophthalmologist
Hearing Impairment Audiologist
Learning Disability Psychologist, Neuropsychologist, or Learning Disabilities Specialist
Physical Disability Physician