Heidi Weber
Dr. Heidi Amelia-Anne Weber is an Associate Professor in the Department of Global Studies. She earned her Ph.D. from Kent State University in 19th Century American History, concentrating on the Antebellum South and the American Civil War. Dr. Weber teaches United States History, the Civil War and Reconstruction, Modern European History, World Civilization as well as a variety of Honors Seminar courses. In addition, she teaches a course each semester for Encore. Dr. Weber has served as a Honors Capstone Mentor. Having served on Executive Committee, she currently is on the Faculty and Staff Development Committee.
Dr. Weber earned the SUNY: Orange President’s Award and SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Teaching Excellence. In 2017, she was the faculty commencement speaker.
Dr. Weber wrote Chapter Two for the "Handbook of Military Administration." In addition, she wrote entries for the "World of Antebellum America," "The Encyclopedia Of The Reconstruction Era" and "The Encyclopedia of Gettysburg." She also has published articles in "Our Story: Journal of the N.J. Counsel of History Education" and "The Journal of America’s Military Past." Dr. Weber appeared on "The Greatest American Series" on The Discovery Channel. In addition, she has made multiple presentations at a variety of professional historical conferences.
In addition, Dr. Weber is the Chair of the Sally and Morris Lansky Prize for the best book in the field of American Political History. She is actively involved in a variety of Historical Associations as well as many civic/community organizations. Dr. Weber is also on the Senator Cory Booker’s Service Academies Selection Interview Panel
On the SUNY: Orange campus, Dr. Weber and Dr. Sarbak arranged for the recording of interviews of Holocaust survivors and liberators. These are available for all to view in attempt to preserve their stories.
Hudson Hall 114C