SUNY Smart Track Financial Literacy
SUNY Orange realizes that paying for a college education is a huge financial commitment. To assist SUNY Orange students with making informed financial decisions before, during and after college, New York State has created a free Financial Literacy service called SUNY Smart Track. SUNY Smart Track will assist you every step of the way, from the time that you apply to college to after graduation.
SUNY Smart Track is an online learning environment that empowers students for a lifetime of financial success. SUNY Smart Track provides interactive services, tools and resources to help educate students to achieve smart money management skills.
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Courses and modules cover topics that include:
- Banking Basics
- Borrowing Money
- Budgeting
- Contracts
- Credit Cards
- Credit History
- Identity Theft
- Importance of Savings
- Investing in your Future
- Paying for College
- Tackling Debt
- Taxes and You
- Understanding a Paycheck
- Understanding Insurance
- Working in College
- Your First Job